I actually agree with the boys, in some respects. Most marriages are doomed, and much of the time, they are a bad idea.
Although, I know just as many women as men who got screwed by bad or failed marriages, so the gents don't have the upper hand in the misery-directly-attibutable-to-marriage game. Guys who work off the books so they don't have to pay child support, cheaters, liars, abusers of all flavors, those who refuse to step up and help with the kids either during or after the marriage, one husband and father who pulled the proverbial leave for a pack of cigarettes and never return trick (though in his case it was a non-existant business trip and it was the last time his wife and 2 sons ever saw him, or a penny of support) and yes, even some who are bilking their female exes for ridiculous alimony. (The sisterhood has come so far!!). So, MB, I would have to disagree that women have nothing to lose 90% of the time.
Where I think my opinion diverges from that of our resident He Man Woman Haters chapter is that I think in at least 75% of the cases of bad marriages (whether they end in flames or chug along in miersy), it that it comes down to bad selection and poor decision aming. It's sounds dreamy and romantic, and both sides fall for it all too often, but love does not equal good marriage. Planning and careful choice and a level head are your only hope, and even then they are no guarantee.
You marry a guy without bothering to discuss how you plan on raising your spawn or whether you both have the same ideas about what the rules will be. Danger! You marry a hot chick because she's, well...hot and the regularly available sex is the stuff of dreams, without getting to know her or her family. Stupid move; likely to end badly. You know you have different ideas on spending vs. saving but golly gee you just love him/her so much that you know it will work out in the end and you don't want to ruin a good thing. Welcome to hell!! You never bother to discuss how the Navy life is going to work with what you both want and who will make what compromises. Shockingly, you are probably doomed. You lurve your porn and strippers and she thinks that's the devil's work and is akin to cheating, but you assume it can be ironed out later. Stupid move!
Most people who have unhappy marriages or divorces have no one to blame but themselves. Sure, there are exceptions, just as there are exceptions to the AW theorum of marriage equaling mutually assured destruction. Or at least sigular distruction. But as with most things in life, if you make bad choices, you get bad results. Garbage in, garbage out.