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Well-Known Member
Why is it that in this day and age if you voice an opinion that "I don't care for..." or "I personally don't like..." or "I don't agree with..." that you're labelled as a bigot, homophob, race hater, anti-semetic, etc, etc, etc... An opinion is just that - an opinion. If I express disagreement with any "group" as long as I don't go out of my way to discriminate against them what's the big deal? Are we so f'ed up in this country that we can no longer express an opinion without the fear of be labelled something? Such a sorry state of affairs.

Personally I don't give a rat's ass what you do when you're not working with me. I have an issue when whatever it is you do outside of work affects the performance of your job. Especially when other folks have to work twice as hard to make up for it.

The dead horse is still twitching.... one more swing.

It sort of stems from the fact that if you replace gays with "jews", "muslims", "christians", "russians" or ANY other group you may not recognize just by looking at the person, it becomes clear (unless you really do hate jews, muslims etc. Then, you're just an asshole).

Can anyone say there's nothing wrong with "I personally don't care for the jews"? I mean, if you think there's nothing wrong with that, then our debate is over and we have nothing more to exchange on this subject. If you think that's wrong, then exchange "gays" for "jews" and bring up your next point, because so far I haven't heard a valid one.

And.... I think the horse is motionless this time.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I don't feel like quoting things ten times, so I'll try to respond to the stuff directed at me:

Otto- I've never been actively worried for the sanctity of my butthole as an adult. Yes, the creepy gay roommate who stared at your junk while changing or was staring at your bed when you woke up never posed a physical threat to me. I had at the time, the strength to dislocate most of the joints in his body without trying too hard (see: don't fight Wookiees). Currently, well, I live in Wyoming, and the few gay people I've met here are not flamboyant or creepy. And I'm armed 23.75 hours a day.

Reverse that size thing. Make the gay guy some huge ass bear my size, and make the target some little skinny kid who weighs 120 pounds soaking wet.

But, this is not a discussion about anal rape or groping. This was strictly how I don't like the lifestyle the majority of the openly/flamboyantly gay people I have known live, any more than I like how trailer trash lives.

I'd still hire a gay guy or trailer trash for a job, and they wouldn't get shitcanned unless their home life affected their job performance.

This is the crux of the fucking argument/issue.. I can't say I don't like someones lifestyle without being branded a bigot. Apparently, in the minds of many of you, that's as bad as me putting on my great uncles WWII Luftwaffe uniform and walking down the street today in the memorial day parade.

I also don't like people who act like thugs? Am I a bigot against about every race on earth because I've met thugs from about every ethnic group? Actually, I have not met an Inuit thug. So I must love Inuit's and hate EVERYONE else.

Picture this.. If I said I don't like the Trailer Trash lifestyle, would you be screaming from the hills? Because if you want to go into the "it's nature" or "combo of nature/nurture" argument, you could argue that being Trailer Trash is a Nature/Nurture combo. I'm more of the opinion that Gay is a choice. Maybe one with some genetic underpinning making you more likely to make that choice, but still a choice.

Master's two big issues with this issue:
1- I can't say I don't like a certain lifestyle/standard of living (gay) without being branded NaziLite. But if I said I don't like other non racial groups, (say, NASCAR Fans, The French, or Canadians) that are not on a special list, nobody would give a shit.
2- I don't want to see yet another protected class for bullshit Affirmative Action crap.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
...as an adult.



"You can't make this shit up..."
Master's two big issues with this issue:
1- I can't say I don't like a certain lifestyle/standard of living (gay) without being branded NaziLite. But if I said I don't like other non racial groups, (say, NASCAR Fans, The French, or Canadians) that are not on a special list, nobody would give a shit.
2- I don't want to see yet another protected class for bullshit Affirmative Action crap.

^^This... Doesn't matter what group I'm talking about - just because I may not like them doesn't mean that I should not be "allowed" to voice an opinion.

And yeah I think the horse passed a few pages ago...


He bowls overhand.
Part of the bigot label wrt homosexuality centers around gay marriage and adoption, which are both issues regarding civil rights. Saying one doesn't believe homosexuality to be moral or right now implies he also doesn't believe gays ought to be able to enjoy the same priviledges of straight couples, hence the nazi/bigot label.


Well-Known Member
@ Brett, that comment has to do with a gay baseball coach I had in Junior High. He was of the "every man is gay" camp and was not fun to be around.

From my understanding, he made an inappropriate advance on a student and was given the choice to get the hell out of town, or face charges in the mid 90s. He left mid semester, and was never seen again.

There was also a case in a different school in the same district with a male teacher molesting a 6 th grader.

Then you'd have the "gay weekend" at the local state park when most kids were not let out of their parents sight.

Sent from my PH44100 using Tapatalk 2


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
And you've never seen a straight guy make inappropriate advances on women?

A lot of people accuse gays of "flaunting" themselves when all they're doing are the same things straights do. Except no one cares then.

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
Saying one doesn't believe homosexuality to be moral or right now implies he also doesn't believe gays ought to be able to enjoy the same priviledges of straight couples, hence the nazi/bigot label.

I'm not sure that's accurate, and it certainly shouldn't be.

I don't really have an opinion on the homosexual morality issue. I honestly just don't care and it hasn't effected me personally.

However, there are several things that I believe are morally wrong that I also believe should be legal. Devil worshipping and drug use come to mind, but I'm sure there are others.

Homosexuality has become a sacred cow. Oppose it or even question it and you will be labeled a bigot, or even more ridiculous, a Nazi.

I think that homosexuality should be legal in all respects and those that are into it should have the same rights and privileges of everybody else.

Whether I think it's "right" or not is immaterial. I just don't see how it affects me or my family, so I just don't care. However, if I someday decide to give a shit about the moral ramifications of what two grown men do with each other behind closed doors, I don't want to be labeled a bigot just for the consideration.

I think a lot of people on this thread (that are being called bigots) fall into that same category.


He bowls overhand.
I wasn't saying everyone who is morally opposed to homosexuality is opposed to gay rights, but the perception of many is that one implies the other.


he will die without safety brief
Whether I think it's "right" or not is immaterial. I just don't see how it affects me or my family, so I just don't care. However, if I someday decide to give a shit about the moral ramifications of what two grown men do with each other behind closed doors, I don't want to be labeled a bigot just for the consideration.
So you can give a shit about what other people do, but they can't give a shit about what you do?

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
So you can give a shit about what other people do, but they can't give a shit about what you do?

"Giving a shit" about something is not the same as labeling somebody a hateful name.

I guess it would depend on what somebody does as a result of their moral contemplation.

If I were to somehow decide that homosexuality was morally wrong and stated so in a civil manner and without trying to legally force my view on the rest of society, that's one thing. I don't view that as bigoted.

If I were to express that view in a hateful manner, use inflammatory language, or try to force others to act in accordance with my moral beliefs in that regard, that could fairly be construed as bigoted.

What we have at the moment is anybody who isn't 100% behind the gay rights movement is labeled as a bigot.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
I wasn't saying everyone who is morally opposed to homosexuality is opposed to gay rights, but the perception of many is that one implies the other.

Whose problem is that...? See my rebuttal to Otto's ridiculous and stereotypical comment a few days ago about Southerners.

Wise words from one of my favorite bands - Drive By Truckers:

"...Ya know racism is a worldwide problem and it's been since the beginning of recorded history… and it ain't just white and black… But thanks to George Wallace, it's always a little more convenient to play it with a Southern accent..."

For the sake of this conversation you can replace "racism" with "homophobia", "black and white" with "straight and gay", and George Wallace with Dan Savage, Rachael Maddow, or maybe even Otto.
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