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Well-Known Member
Whose problem is that...? See my rebuttal to Otto's ridiculous and stereotypical comment a few days ago about Southerners.

Wise words from one of my favorite bands - Drive By Truckers:

"...Ya know racism is a worldwide problem and it's been since the beginning of recorded history… and it ain't just white and black… But thanks to George Wallace, it's always a little more convenient to play it with a Southern accent..."

For the sake of this conversation you can replace "racism" with "homophobia", "black and white" with "straight and gay", and George Wallace with Dan Savage, Rachael Maddow, or maybe even Otto.
The most racialy divided city I've lived in was Boston.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
So because all the evidence proves the first quote and none of it proves your contention, that's absurd?
Since you can't prove something false it has to be true? Okay, you can't prove I didn't fuck Jennifer Aniston so I did. Heck, I have the ten naked beautiful girls in my bed right now.....and it's true because you can't prove I don't.

Otto said:
As for the second quote... yeah, since the source is from a doctor, clearly it's absurd as well.
The magic pills they sell in the newspaper ads claiming I'll lose 50 pounds in a week all have Doctor testimonials attached. I guess I should start buying some. Should I send my friend who has colon cancer to that Doctor in Mexico with the quick cure? He claims 100% cancer free in days and he's a Doctor so it has to be true.

Otto said:
I'm sure as an airline pilot, you are the authority on behavioral psychology. How am I an authority? I'm not: my points were merely parroting actual qualified sources.
Just like everything else you've posted in this thread, or in any thread on this site, this too is absurd.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Since we agree to disagree, this thread is now closed before it gets even uglier.

The horse is dead:

Nothing to see here; move along quietly.

-ea6bflyr ;)
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