I ideally would like a repeal of the 16th amendment, yes. I'd also like to go back to state legislatures selecting Senators.
However, my main point is that its ratification has allowed the federal government to grow in scope and function significantly more than the framers ever imagined, and many federally funded entities have dubious constitutionality because Congress does not have the power in Article 1 to establish them.
One example would be the DOE. I like education, I'm all for improving education standards and help funding education. But the federal government doesn't have the power to fund or regulate education, and that decision was made on purpose because that's what authoritarian countries do. And today, DOE is one of many organizations that siphons money from people who live in one state to people who live in another, which our Congressmen use for political gain and bargaining.
And I wonder how we'd be in a different spot if we didn't just hand the keys to the entire country to the unconstitutional department of health and human services for two years.
So we can gnash our teeth that the President is gutting them, but they shouldn't have ever been established in the first place. The framers were smart people, but they didn't anticipate what would happen when everyone just sort of lets the federal government establish a slew of organizations that the framers would have considered tyranny while using forced income taxation as an enabler.