To clarify, in all your years, even as a TPS grad, you have heard of two actual emergency autos? And, not to nit pick or require one to look into a crystal ball, are those 30 feet going to kill you, or will they allow you space to fix stepping on the wrong pedal or to pull the collective a good bit more? Not a rotor qualed pilot. Just was around them a lot and have ridden through some full autos (practice). Had a retired O-6 Army aviator demo an auto for me in an OH-58 where he had enough Nr left to lift up after touchdown and move the aircraft around. Also had a former Army aviator in the same agency do a full auto and smacked the tail hard enough to cause strike damage. He was told not to come back. Great guy. A B757 pilot for ATA. Died in a night NVG CFIT mishap flying a helo in a retirement job.
Having been through a no shit auto myself, (in what was deemed an "unsurvivable" situation) that 30 feet can kill, and likely almost did for us mainly because most pilots never hit 0 forward airspeed at the bottom. I can tell you that in my experience, doing autos in a -57 had 2 benefits: 1. It proved that if flown correctly the -57 could make a safe touchdown in an auto, and 2. it merely served as a warmup for getting used to autos in the -60.
None of that HT full auto stuff really mattered when it happened in real life in a -60. But then I have also argued that the way we practice autos in the -60 causes other problems because we never practice entry parameters from the profiles we actually fly.