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I couldn't make it to the SHOW (and the short, turbulent, life of RickRoss27, Troll)


Super *********
Super Moderator
The kid is a fucktard, lying about everything. An attempt to save face and of course it didn't work. He was outgunned from the get go. He's saying to himself right now, they can't ban me, I a legend in my own mind. Guess what? He's saying it while banned :D


Super *********
Super Moderator
Aw, man. I wanted to see what else he could come up with.

Just like a hinge to ruin all the fun.:icon_rage

Thanks, Bunky: you've ruined Christmas!:eek:

He had nothing left so he started with some racial slurs. It had to end.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
This kid is amazingly stubborn. I thought I was close to getting booted or banned a while ago for my actions, but this kid is making me look better with every post. If he is smart he will eventually shut up and listen like I learned to do unless I had some good info to put out.

Did we ever find out where this kid is really from? Just wondering because if he is such an intelligent southern boy, why did he not learn to respect his elders growing up? Oh wait, I know why. He has not fully grown. Remember puberty does destroy a boys hormones. haha Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.

He's a fine product of a Baylor School education, a boarding school where he is a senior (in high school), although he tried to say he was at Texas A&M and lie about his age. He's also made on-line appearances as AspiringPilot27 and LiVid-Evil27.

RickRoss27 said:
for those behind the times...

Veterans for McCain,


The only thing he's a veteran of is on-line gaming where he hangs out with the "sexy people". More misdirection as is his use of "Rick" as sign-off.


Well-Known Member
It's only a clan if we get Kilts!



Registered User
He had nothing left so he started with some racial slurs. It had to end.

One strange dude.... Racial slur thing is "Fightin' words". I'd like to kick his ass, yup I said it, sue me. I own Mules with more intelligence.



Super *********
Super Moderator
One strange dude.... Racial slur thing is "Fightin' words". I'd like to kick his ass, yup I said it, sue me. I own Mules with more intelligence.

I'm sure not a problem. He was an e-punk. The internet allows these loser punks in life to act like big dicks.


I've never been called a racial slur for which race I am not for making a cartoon. I guess it had to happen eventually.