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I couldn't make it to the SHOW (and the short, turbulent, life of RickRoss27, Troll)


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
I've never been called a racial slur for which race I am not for making a cartoon. I guess it had to happen eventually.

He keyed off your current avatar in a desperate attempt to pushback after his attempts to misdirect ciewers about his location, age, seniority in school and identity were uncovered. Likely, he'll be seeing a return of his nervous tics...

My OCD with a little bit of Tics was always "VERY MINOR." It never affected me in anyway, I just literally obsessed over my career every day... Will these two disorders affect me from getting being a pilot in the Navy? If it does I don't know what I would do with myself, have been waiting for this chance for seventeen years...

Explains his fantasy of comparing Texas A&M Petroleum Engineer paychecks with aviators and bragging about starting salaries when he hasn't even left high school.


Registered User
I've never been called a racial slur for which race I am not for making a cartoon. I guess it had to happen eventually.

Maybe he'll start making epithets against Tyrannosaurs next, after all, they were the laziest predators during the Cretaceous era.


He keyed off your current avatar in a desperate attempt to pushback after his attempts to misdirect ciewers about his location, age, seniority in school and identity were uncovered.

I think the real loser in all of this is Chedda. I hope he didn't invest his 5K with Madoff.


Maybe he'll start making epithets against Tyrannosaurs next, after all, they were the laziest predators during the Cretaceous era.

He has nothing against Tyrannosaurs since T-Rex anthro'ed out. He can't reach the control stick.

Edit: I have updated my avatar to better represent my true self.


You can do anything once.
RickRoss, epilogue...

After all that utterly enjoyable debacle involving the spawn of Skeeter, all i have to say is that, A) dude is a of course a complete douchenozzle, and b) i feel genuinely bad for the picture of the troll that is associated with rickross. That prepubescent kiddo with awkard ears and a funny teeth shouldn't be punished and forever associated with losers like Rickross and, etc...


...just a thought. i love my wings and the fact that ricky paid for 'em. For those in harms way, THANK YOU! For those who've been, THANK YOU! Merry Christmas!



(BDCP) Supply Corps OC
Yeah, that was pretty bad... Did you guys ever figure out if he was a college guy who didn't get picked up or a high school guy? And just to mention, if not already done so, I believe that an E-1 with less than 4 months of service makes more than 3500 / month when you throw in the tax advantage, freebies and opportunities.

Sounds like "Ricky-Ross" needed to re-read my signature... Thanks again Lazers.


Sometimes you need real douchebags like that to show just how sad some people can be. They do serve a purpose, ultimately.

And just to mention, if not already done so, I believe that an E-1 with less than 4 months of service makes more than 3500 / month when you throw in the tax advantage, freebies and opportunities.
That is not even remotely close.


Active Member
Yeah, that was pretty bad... Did you guys ever figure out if he was a college guy who didn't get picked up or a high school guy? ...
High school kid. I believe that his identity was released, but who knows with that kid's "honor..."


STA-21 NFO Selectee
What's funny is I think he was set up to do it. hahaha Conspiracy theory! The government sent him in to annoy the hell out of all the mods just to see how they would take it. Watch your back everyone. haha


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Did you guys ever figure out if he was a college guy who didn't get picked up or a high school guy?

The saga of RickRoss27 AKA LiVid-EviL27 AKA AspiringPilot27 AKA IUKelley27 is told in his own thread. His quest to be an Investment Banker by way of Kelley to get into the big money seems to be overtaken by the starting salries as a Petroleum Engineer. Apparently, flying for the airlines (or military) was not prestigious (or lucrative) enough for him and the snobbish ego games that have consumed him at the Baylor School.
Wow. That got out of hand REALLY fast

So I guess discretion is most definately the better part of valor when choosing a username. With a little better foresight I suppose I would have realized my name would offend some, though it was never my intention. For that I apologize.

I am attempting to have Admin change my name for me to avoid future flames. I tell you this so that if/when I do post under a different name it does not appear that I am trying to backdoor the forum with multiple personalities.

The only intention of my original post was to contribute to the overall picture of who is applying to OCS. I know most people who fly for the airlines love it (again, discretion in choice of username is apparently key). The reason I am trying to get into Naval Aviation is not because I ended up not liking the airlines. I have never intended on doing anything other than military aviation. Those who know me know that for the last 3 years everything I have done has been in pursuit of a commission.

So that's my story. I am no troll nor did I come on here to whine about my saga. I just wanted to contribute to the OCS threads, which I will again attempt if I am granted access to a more appropriate username. Merry Christmas to those who enjoyed the flames. I am glad some good entertainment came of this debacle.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin

Good post, and I will change your account settings. Your user name has been changed as requested, in addition, I wiped your reputation points back to zero to let you start off again on the right foot.

Happy Holidays,



Super *********
Super Moderator
So I guess discretion is most definately the better part of valor when choosing a username. With a little better foresight I suppose I would have realized my name would offend some, though it was never my intention. For that I apologize.

I am attempting to have Admin change my name for me to avoid future flames. I tell you this so that if/when I do post under a different name it does not appear that I am trying to backdoor the forum with multiple personalities.

The only intention of my original post was to contribute to the overall picture of who is applying to OCS. I know most people who fly for the airlines love it (again, discretion in choice of username is apparently key). The reason I am trying to get into Naval Aviation is not because I ended up not liking the airlines. I have never intended on doing anything other than military aviation. Those who know me know that for the last 3 years everything I have done has been in pursuit of a commission.

So that's my story. I am no troll nor did I come on here to whine about my saga. I just wanted to contribute to the OCS threads, which I will again attempt if I am granted access to a more appropriate username. Merry Christmas to those who enjoyed the flames. I am glad some good entertainment came of this debacle.

You should be happy, that little punk took the heat right off in a hurry :D