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Individual Augmentee (IA) info & questions

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
P3 F0 said:
Not sure if this helps any, but a friend of mine (EP3 pilot) just got dragged out of his shore tour to do this in Baghdad w/ the Army. He's been there a few weeks now. Here's an excerpt from an email: "They don't need ew experts. They picked me. From what I can see, the army never really asked for us, and my job is nothing that someone in the army can't do." Basically, the navy is touting us VQ guys as EW experts to the Army. That would be funny if it hadn't resulted in all these billets popping up out there for us.

I'm sorry to see this insanity has spread to Afghanistan, too. Anyway, not sure how much training you'll need, if any (especially if you've been through Corey Sta. or Whidbey).
From what I've heard from the other SWO's over there, that pretty much sums up their experience too.


Copilot, actually.
Schnugg said:
Translation: My moped runs on cranberry juice.

McNamara...you got access to SIPRNET? If so, PM me.

Nope, but as I understand it I will get a SIPR account IF I get the billet. Thanks though.

P3 F0 said:
Not sure if this helps any, but a friend of mine (EP3 pilot) just got dragged out of his shore tour to do this in Baghdad w/ the Army. He's been there a few weeks now. Here's an excerpt from an email: "They don't need ew experts. They picked me. From what I can see, the army never really asked for us, and my job is nothing that someone in the army can't do." Basically, the navy is touting us VQ guys as EW experts to the Army. That would be funny if it hadn't resulted in all these billets popping up out there for us.

I'm sorry to see this insanity has spread to Afghanistan, too. Anyway, not sure how much training you'll need, if any (especially if you've been through Corey Sta. or Whidbey).

I'm curious what percentage of current IA billets are filled with volunteers versus those who "got volunteered." That sucks for your friend, but on the plus side it should help his career somewhere down the line. Me on the other hand, I just wanted to get in the middle of the war for a little while.

My thinking is that Army guys could certainly do the job, but if they fill the billet with one of their own, that's one less combat-trained officer to lead a platoon, company, etc.


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McNamara said:
Nope, but as I understand it I will get a SIPR account IF I get the billet. Thanks though.
Maybe this is a reserve thing, but how can a Naval Officer NOT have access to SIPR? That boggles the mind. That said, if you have a Secret clearance on file with DONCAF, you should be able to walk in to any SSO and get access - no secret handshake required.



Copilot, actually.
There's no reason for me not to have access, except I've never had a reason to need it. Not exactly a whole lot of secret stuff goin' on here. When you don't have things like "weapons" or "tactics" or "sensors" associated with your platform the need for SIPR access is kinda nonexistent.

But I guess you're right, all I have to do is ask. I've got a Secret and they've done the background check for TS as well.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Brett327 said:
Maybe this is a reserve thing, but how can a Naval Officer NOT have access to SIPR? That boggles the mind. That said, if you have a Secret clearance on file with DONCAF, you should be able to walk in to any SSO and get access - no secret handshake required.

Haha, that's EXACTLY what I said when I started my tour on the LINCOLN. The only reason I had access to SIPR was because I stood watch in CDC. Very few officer had (or needed) access to SIPR. And honestly, most didn't really care.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Steve Wilkins said:
Haha, that's EXACTLY what I said when I started my tour on the LINCOLN. The only reason I had access to SIPR was because I stood watch in CDC. Very few officer had (or needed) access to SIPR. And honestly, most didn't really care.
See, that kind of attitude (I know it's not yours) pisses me off. Any officer who flies an airplane, or drives a ship or sub owes it to himself to stay engaged and be informed on issues going on around the world which could impact or affect the military. SIPR is an invaluable source of great Intel that JOs should be reading. Pulling in to Djibouti? What's the assessment of the local political climate, or the threat assessment. How could the recent Turkey/Greece F-16 incident affect air ops in the Med, or how will it change expected air activity in the area? Not keeping up on Intel issues is analogous to not reading any kind of newspaper, TV news, or internet news at all. It makes you ill informed and ignorant of the big picture. [/rant]



Copilot, actually.
Hey, I sympathize with your rant, but you sound all like, locked on and stuff. We flew into Djibouti and didn't even talk to Eritrea until we were on the way out! Not that they cared, they can barely eat right now.

So it looks like I'm officially going; I'm the primary nominee from the wing. I'm pretty damn excited. I've got about a month to get my **** together and decide what to bring et el.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Out of curiousity, how is this affecting you upgrading to AC?

(understandable if you can't discuss it here)

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
McNamara said:
So it looks like I'm officially going; I'm the primary nominee from the wing. I'm pretty damn excited. I've got about a month to get my **** together and decide what to bring et el.
Congrats.....I think. :eek:


Copilot, actually.
zab1001 said:
Out of curiousity, how is this affecting you upgrading to AC?

(understandable if you can't discuss it here)

Aw, that ain't classified. I've got a little over 200 hours in type and need 500 to be an AC (aside from the AC training syllabus, of course). So gaining hours has merely been put on hold for seven/eight months.

Steve Wilkins said:
Congrats.....I think. :eek:

Thanks! It might not be as much fun as shooting at people but it will hopefully be satisfying all the same. :D


Copilot, actually.
Well, they ****ed me. I just checked my email and they moved me to the "alternate" position in favor of some O-4 from another squadron. And all this after I was practically assured I was going - the only thing I was waiting for was the orders themselves. I had already made a bunch of arrangements (withdrawn from the classes I was taking, changed detachment schedule, informed friends and relatives, made vacation plans with wife) - now I'm going to be sitting on my ass while the other guy gets to go.

And right now there's no one here to fight for me. OIC's on det and the skipper's out of town. So it looks like I am completely screwed.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
McNamara said:
Well, they ****ed me. I just checked my email and they moved me to the "alternate" position in favor of some O-4 from another squadron. And all this after I was practically assured I was going - the only thing I was waiting for was the orders themselves. I had already made a bunch of arrangements (withdrawn from the classes I was taking, changed detachment schedule, informed friends and relatives, made vacation plans with wife) - now I'm going to be sitting on my ass while the other guy gets to go.

And right now there's no one here to fight for me. OIC's on det and the skipper's out of town. So it looks like I am completely screwed.
You aren't the first to get their chain yanked like this. This happens to be a very common occurrence with the Navy IA BS. There is still no system in place. What we have right now is NOT a system.
Brett327 said:
This EWO support for Army units is a relatively new thing, details of which are beyond the classification of this forum. If you have SIPR access go to the EAWS site and snoop around:



EWO's for the Army have been around for quite some time, just not focused on the IED part of things. Ft. Rucker has an EWO TACOPS Officer course that focuses on EW items.


Copilot, actually.
Steve Wilkins said:
You aren't the first to get their chain yanked like this. This happens to be a very common occurrence with the Navy IA BS. There is still no system in place. What we have right now is NOT a system.

Tell me about it. My squadron made a quick call and found out the wing was pretty much set on finding a guy with EW experience, even though as P3 FO's friend asserted, said experience is not really necessary for the job. Why they couldn't find this guy BEFORE the deadline is beyond me.

And maybe I'm wrong here, but doesn't it sound really unprofessional to simply forward me the email, without notifying anyone else at the squadron? Not even a phone call for the sake of courtesy?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
McNamara said:
And maybe I'm wrong here, but doesn't it sound really unprofessional to simply forward me the email, without notifying anyone else at the squadron? Not even a phone call for the sake of courtesy?

Not being a d!ck, but that's pretty standard.