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Iran Seizes British Sailors


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Maybe they coulda used one of these.......



Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Not only did they get moved to Teheran, but they're being charged with espionage...http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article1563877.ece
It's still early, but it looks like Iran might be trying to go the distance with this thing (of course, they say if we give back 5 or so of their Revolutionary Guards, they'll deal). Is Ahmadinejad just begging for a beat-down or what?

You need to reread the article. They "may" be charged and the statement was by a website run by "associates" of the president, not an official release...highly likely as it appears they may be playing this to get back some of their people, BUT that is condition espoused by a student group, not the government and they don't make the deals.

You seem way too ready to rattle your sword. They know we won't start shooting as long as the sailors are safe or even threaten that unless they are harmed.
heyjoe--yeah, I did skim too quickly. Re: my "begging for a beatdown" comment, I think it's apparent that Ahmadinejad has a penchant for the provocative...It's not for the likes of myself to say, but how far do you let a man like this go? Right now it's 15 British sailors and Marines and possibly a "show trial" in Teheran. What's his next move going to be, and if it's against our guys, then, what would be our own?

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
What many have failed to see is that Ahmadinejad is a smart man. For one, he's run CIRCLES around us in the diplomatic arena. He's missing some men, and so happen to capture some Brits. Will that make him lose face? Maybe. But if he treats these Brits well, takes care of them, etc... the point is, they're not as isolated and nuts as North Korea.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
What's his next move going to be, and if it's against our guys, then, what would be our own?

What's his next move going to be?

Anything said here would be pure speculation. Nobody saw the last move coming, what makes you think we'll know the next one? He likely feels he has a certain amount of power right now as long as he doesn't go too far so just watch how he plays it to extract max attention to torture the Brits politically to appease his countrymen and religious hierarchy. He doesn't want to give US or UK or anyone an excuse to thrump him, but he likes the stage and is a bit of a cowboy so he'll play this for all he can get without risking a clash of arms.

if it's against our guys, then, what would be our own?

You'll have to wait until you're in the service and assigned to appropriate command to be privvy to contingency plans. As Schnugg will tell you (he just got back last year from a ringside seat over there), there are Plans and ROE for just about everything imaginable, but those in the know aren't authorized to chat about it in an open forum.


Below Ladder
Blair makes some comments:

"It is simply not true that they went into Iranian territorial waters,"

"I want to get it resolved in as easy and diplomatic a way as possible," he said, but added he hoped the Iranians "understood how fundamental an issue this is for the British government."


You guys know more about current ops than I ... especially since I don't know too much .... but why, why, why were two RHIB's or whatever the Brits were floating in "up there" -- and seemingly unsupported???

At least unsupported in the sense that no naval entity bigger and badder was closely covering their back and able to thump or at least intimidate the Iranians into backing off???


They might be (unwillingly and unknowingly) a part of a 'bigger plan' ...
Who knows what happened X NM from there?


Super Moderator
Article on the Seizure

Here is an article from a reporter who was on the HMS Cornwall with more detail on what happened:

Marines 'confess' to Iranian captors

Tehran said yesterday that 15 British sailors taken hostage had confessed to straying into Iranian waters. Terri Judd, the only newspaper journalist on HMS 'Cornwall', reports
