all one goal, it is not the easiest but AD, reservist, and civilian all compete directly against each other. IWC has in the past given "bonus points" for AD in an IWC rate, and that backfired greatly, then it swung the other way where AD were pretty much screwed going for any IWC designator, now it is more balanced.
What you are thinking of is that they keep track of who they select to make sure they don't make the same mistake, think of it as an after action report, as they have in the past, the IWC for a few years had a bad track record of not listening to NRC and the Director of OCS programs and the IWC made some big mistakes that took years to recover from.
They do the same tracking not just for AD, reservist, civilian sources, but also demographics like M/F, and also if a person is Hispanic, Asian, White, etc..... it allows them to know if they need to focus recruiting on certain areas. Enlisted recruiting is the opposite they look on the front end.