Niketaylor and Tuke09, sorry to hear about the non-selects. It has to be really frustrating, but I'm sure if you are persistent then things will work out for you. Do you guys intend to reapply or go for something else?
Going to take the astb again to try to get a higher score.
Good luck Nike with that. If it helps, there is a guy on here who posted some study gouge eons ago, atrickplay (sorry if I'm hacking the name) it's in the ASTB section and is awesome, just an fyi
Yeah, I had planned to study for at least two weeks before the ASTB, however, some rumors were floating around about when the next board would be. If the rumors were true, I would be disqualified from BDCP since at the time my application would be reviewed I would have only one semester left. My OR told me if I want to play it safe you better get your ASTB done quick and make the Jan Board, he meant tomorrow, so basically I drove 120 miles that night and studied over night in a Motel Six. I took the test and my Processor and OR made sure my packet went out that night, which was totally awesome!. My packet was sent Dec 22nd and made both the Jan Supply and Intel Boards. Although, I think my score could have been much better. If I get picked for Intel this month it will be well worth getting my packet in, if not, oh well I will put in some proper study time and try to get into at least the high 50's or low 60's for the OAR section.Going to take the astb again to try to get a higher score.
I have applied to OCS for Intel/SWO/NFO. Does anybody know where the board results get posted?