New Member
That's funny, he's my recruiter too.
Lol awesome. He's a good guy. He was a nice change from the AF recruiter that was chock full of BS.
That's funny, he's my recruiter too.
For MOST people..final select is a formality. The big hurdle was the pro-rec. If everything is squared away and you pass medical...everyone is pretty much good to go. I would say pro-rec to final select is 98-99 percent sure..it just varies from one person to another WHEN you get your final select.
Look at it this way, you cleared the biggest hurdle. (Prior to flight school and going to NAMI for the flight physical in Pensacola)
Lol awesome. He's a good guy. He was a nice change from the AF recruiter that was chock full of BS.
So, how long do you guys think it's going to take to receive our orders and final selections? Also, how long do you expect we'll have before being shipped off to OCS?
I looked at old boards and seems to take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months for final select. It's probably variant on the applicant.
Some people were shipping off to OCS within weeks of their final select. I have to finish my degree.
Well, I'll post on here once I find out the final select status.
Good luck for those who are expecting to hear tomorrow.
I'm hoping tomorrow brings some great news