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I've been giving a lot of thought towards trying to get Japan for my first fleet tour, and I was wondering what people who have been there, done that think about living there? I've heard lots of good things from other folks who have been there, but would love to hear as much as I could about it. How hard is it for spouses to find work there? What's the little disclaimer NAF Atsugi has on their website about air quality? Where the hell is NAF Atsugi in relation to Tokyo? Are the commute times of 1hr to downtown tokyo accurate? How is the standard of living? What are the deployments like for the forward deployed?


Rhino WSO
Japan is awesome. I spent 8 years there at NAF Atsugi with VFA-192, AIMD, and VFA-27. Your wife could work teaching English for $25 an hour per student (all tax-free). The traffic can be hell to be honest. During Golden Week, try not to make any long distant trips by car if it can be helped. During that week it is a national holiday week and everyone goes on vacation. The train system is awesome. It takes a little longer to get to the Tokyo area than by driving. The deployment cycle is no where near the same as stateside. It is less time out at sea at any one time but you do spend more time underway. Also, when you check in, you will be on 72 hour recall for your ENTIRE tour. I was recalled three times while there.

If you have any other questions, pm me or ask on this forum.


NAF Atsugi is on the Kanto plain about 50 miles SW from Tokyo --- about as far as Narita Airport is to the NE of Tokyo. Air quality??? Most of Metro Japan has poor air quality.

Japan's O.K. ... just different. The Japanese are great people ... again, just different. I think it could be a great tour. I have been spending almost 1/3 of every month there for the past 22 years --- and I still "like" it, but then I like fisheads and rice, too.


Ask me about ninjas!
I was stationed in Japan for a year, and I did an exchange program w/ their defense forces after college. I was a candidate at Japanese naval OCS for a few weeks, and they don't mess around, whether it's training or partying.

Some people really don't like the country, but others can't get enough of it. I guess it all depends on how you view your experience there. I had a hard time dealing w/ a bit of culture shock when I first got there, but after I started to leave the base more I realized what a unique country it is. I'll spare you the full dissertation, but if you want more details/oppinions, feel free to PM me.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
The air quality disclaimer thing is from a trash incinerator that the Js run right next to the base. I've head alternating stories that it is running, or has been shut down, so who knows. I spent three months in Iwakuni, but did lots of traveling (Tokyo, Hiroshima, Misawa, Okinawa, Korea, Iwo Jima, Guam, etc). I had a great time there and the people and culture were interesting as well. I'd go back.



low bypass axial-flow turbofan with AB driver
In addition to Pags, I would appreciate hearing everyone's expanded opinions about their time in Japan. Any thoughts on Atsugi? And single vs married?


Professional Michigan Hater
How do the E2/C2 guys get selected to be on the permanent det in Japan? Do lots of guys want to go?? Do you find out at the rag you are Japan bound or do you find out once you check in to a west coast squadron?


working, working, working ...
Sorry for the late reply,

I am currently in Japan flying helos. If you come out here be prepared to work hard. Both squadrons deploy fairly regularly and you will probably be at sea within a few months of reporting (if not immediately). Deployments come fast, but are generally short (3-4 months). Also 7th fleet gets all the good port visits in the area. You can get to Tokyo in less than an hour in a car, or 1 to 1.5 hours by train depending on when and where you go. Unfortunately I have been busy since I got here and have not had a chance to get out and see things. Work all week and then spend a night in Ropungi seems to be the pattern lately. Overall I am enjoying my time here.



Registered User
A4sForever said:
NAF Atsugi is on the Kanto plain about 50 miles SW from Tokyo --- about as far as Narita Airport is to the NE of Tokyo. Air quality??? Most of Metro Japan has poor air quality.

Atsugi is only about 36km SW of Tokyo. It takes an hour and half to drive, but it's not that far.


Registered User
hornetframer said:
Japan is awesome. I spent 8 years there at NAF Atsugi with VFA-192, AIMD, and VFA-27. Your wife could work teaching English for $25 an hour per student (all tax-free). The traffic can be hell to be honest. During Golden Week, try not to make any long distant trips by car if it can be helped. During that week it is a national holiday week and everyone goes on vacation. The train system is awesome. It takes a little longer to get to the Tokyo area than by driving. The deployment cycle is no where near the same as stateside. It is less time out at sea at any one time but you do spend more time underway. Also, when you check in, you will be on 72 hour recall for your ENTIRE tour. I was recalled three times while there.

If you have any other questions, pm me or ask on this forum.

When were you in VFA-27? My husband was in the Maces from 97-00.


Registered User
Pags said:
I've been giving a lot of thought towards trying to get Japan for my first fleet tour, and I was wondering what people who have been there, done that think about living there? I've heard lots of good things from other folks who have been there, but would love to hear as much as I could about it. How hard is it for spouses to find work there? What's the little disclaimer NAF Atsugi has on their website about air quality? Where the hell is NAF Atsugi in relation to Tokyo? Are the commute times of 1hr to downtown tokyo accurate? How is the standard of living? What are the deployments like for the forward deployed?

We lived there two different tours. First one with the Chippies (VFA-95), from 91-94 and second with the Maces 97-00. We loved it over there. I taught English out of my home and made between $25-$60/hr. I only worked 10 hours a week and made over $1600/mo. Our kids modeled and have great college funds. I would meet the ship in at least one port each cruise. I've been to Korea, Okinawa, Thailand, Guam, Singapore, Dubai, etc. We used to go to Korea every couple of months to power shop. Hop on a COD out of Atsugi in the wee hours of the morning, fly to Korea, have about 4-5 hours on the ground, then back home to Atsugi...so much fun!

I hear they now go on shorter cruises, but when we were there they were all pretty much 6mo. My husband went on four 6mo cruises, and one 5mo cruise in the 5.5 years we were there. They were in and out a lot more than they are in the US, but I would take sea duty in Japan anytime over a US squadron. We had so much fun over there. It's unique in that the entire airwing is stationed together. The friendships and camaraderie such an environment promote is pretty much unmatched else where.

Our very good friends are over there for their 3rd tour, he's the current CAG. He did his JO tour which turned into a Dept Head tour (he extended when he made 04), command tour, and now DCAG/CAG.

We would love to go back to Atsugi or Yokosuka but it looks like our only option would be Sasebo at the moment.

I don't know how it works for Helo's. For Hornets, you didn't get to choose if you wanted Japan for your first tour, it was all based on whom had the highest boat grades. We did choose to go back for the 2nd tour. Good luck, it will be a great experience.

Also, the incenerator is gone. Bulldozed over. It was BAD when we were there.

As far as commute to drive it can take anywhere between an hour and 3+ depending on traffic. We made it from the New Sanno to Atsugi in 40min once...but it was about 2am Sunday morning. The traffic is like nothing I had seen before. It's so much easier to take the train.

The Chief

Fred said:
Atsugi is only about 36km SW of Tokyo. It takes an hour and half to drive, but it's not that far.

Tokyo is a huge city. "Distance to Tokyo" would depend on where in Tokyo you are going.

Nihonbashi is by tradition the location within Tokyo from which distances are measured. Nihonbashi is about 40 to 50 miles from Atsugi.


Registered User
gaijin6423 said:
I was stationed in Japan for a year, and I did an exchange program w/ their defense forces after college. I was a candidate at Japanese naval OCS for a few weeks, and they don't mess around, whether it's training or partying.

so gaijin, how did this few weeks at japanese ocs work out? I'm guessing it was before you became a sna? I guess I've just never heard of anybody doing anything like this before....


Registered User
The Chief said:
Tokyo is a huge city. "Distance to Tokyo" would depend on where in Tokyo you are going.

Nihonbashi is by tradition the location within Tokyo from which distances are measured. Nihonbashi is about 40 to 50 miles from Atsugi.

Isn't Nihonbashi right next to Ginza? If so I don't remember it being nearly that far. I know Roppongi, Shybuia, Shinjuku, Azabu (New Sanno), etc. Are not 50 mi from Atsugi. It was a little over 36km from Atsugi front gate to the New Sanno.

The Chief

Relying on memory. Did three tours in Japan, after retired I worked for three letter agency in Camp Zama. Bought a house in North western Yokohama, drove every day. My life revolved around the trip. Knew Tokyo like the back of my hand, would drive every week to Akasaka, frequently to Imperial Hotel. Seemed like the trip to Imperial (Chuo) was 65 kilometers. I would have said Eibsu was greater than 36 km, but shows my memory is bad. My grandmother told me about the biological clock. You lose three things, in order, over time. First your eyesight goes, next it is the memory and for the life of me cannot remember what the third one was!

So glad you enjoy Japan. It is a different world.
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