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Jet Blue


HAL Pilot said:
A4s - aren't you being forced out of the Whale to the A340 or something?
No ... the only thing they can "force" me to do is wear a uniform. I'm senior ... or Señor if you prefer. I bid the A340 to get back to SEA and then changed my mind because of severl factors. Read: not the least of which was $$$$$ ....... I managed to sharpshoot the "needs of the service" and as a result:

if it's not Boeing, I'm not going .... :)


Simba Barracuda.
A4sForever said:

No .... I do not think they would pull it up and land on the belly. Not a good idea in commercial aviation.. I'm not A320 qualed, but an educated guess would be get light to lower the landing speed ---- land it and hold the nose off as long as possible. Wanna bet the nose gear straightens out on landing ??? If not, they are going to be taking a hard right/left turn off the runway after touchdown.

Probably went to LAX because of RW lengths and better (?) Crash & Rescue ....

as far as getting light and slow, yeah, that's kind of a good idea no matter what, but taking a chance on the gear straightening out once it hits the runway is what i'm unsure about. like you said, if the gear's snagged at that angle, that's gonna be a sharp turn.

my dad flies 320s, where the hell is he when i have a serious question...

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Congrats A4s - I'm sure that makes you happy. By forced, I meant because of a base closure in HNL or something similiar. I wish I had your seniority.....

Thanks for the help with HAL!

The talking heads on MSNBC just said that Airbus had a similiar problem in 1999 and that it was a leaking O-ring in the nose wheel steering system.


getting salty...
I bet you there is alot of french eng./mech. really p!$$ed off right now. Airbus eng./mech. are having to wake up right now (around 2am)to give advice to the pilots and their precious plane might actually have a issue.


HAL Pilot said:
Congrats A4s - I'm sure that makes you happy. Thanks for the help with HAL!
You bet, Bruddah ....

HAL Pilot said:
The talking heads on MSNBC just said that Airbus had a similiar problem in 1999 and that it was a leaking O-ring in the nose wheel steering system.

Aaaaaa--HAH !!!! PILOT ERROR AGAIN !!!


Simba Barracuda.
watching msnbc.... whoever they have talking just said "the important thing is to keep the plane pointed forward on the runway."

really hope he meant after the nosegear's down, not just giving general advice.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
A4sForever said:
Airbus prides themself in blaming the pilots for every accident the aircraft has ever had .... let's see if they can do it again ????

Ya, and they manage to do that after they make every attempt to engineer the pilot out of the system!!


getting salty...
I think listening to the news will be more entertaining than the actual landing. Always funny to hear people talk about flying when they have no clue about it.


michaels601 said:
......but taking a chance on the gear straightening out once it hits the runway is what i'm unsure about. like you said, if the gear's snagged at that angle, that's gonna be a sharp turn. ..... my dad flies 320s, where the hell is he when i have a serious question...
Dad's never there when you really need him, is he ??? Proms, birthdays, graduations, acne, etc........ But what else you gonna do ????? You can't bring the gear up and land on the belly --- and the passengers REALLY get pissed when the crew waltzes back toward the door while whistling a happy tune and strapping on their parachutes.

So you gotta' burn down and get down .... prediction: the NW will either straighten out when lowered to the runway or it won't .... standy by .... stand by .... developing ... :)


Simba Barracuda.
A4sForever[b said:
So you gotta' burn down and get down .... prediction: the NW will either straighten out when lowered to the runway or it won't .... standy by .... stand by .... developing ... :) [/b]

i guess that kinda wisdom comes with age, huh.

and yeah, now that you mention it, dad does have some 'splainin to do.


michaels601 said:
"what's the tower's involvement?" ....am i not getting something, or do they keep saying stuff like this?
Just talk between the tower and the cockpit --- coordination of timing, runway, plan for after landing, crash crew input(s), blah, blah, blah ..... sometimes becomes a nuisance, but that's life. Shut up and let the guys fly the airplane .... :)