New Member
How close are you to 27? I think you should easily get picked up on the first shot.
My birthday is April 22. If everything goes smoothly I believe I will get to flight school in time.
How close are you to 27? I think you should easily get picked up on the first shot.
Shouldn't everyone that applies considering how the last few boards have been?How close are you to 27? I think you should easily get picked up on the first shot.
Throw me in the bucket
23 Male
July boards
My recruiter is putting me in for Supply/SWO/NFO/Pilot
3.53 GPA B.B.A Finance
5/6/5 52 ASTB
5 LORS - 3 former employers, 1 non-profit, 1 from college honors program manager
Good luck everyone! My fingers are crossed.
Shouldn't everyone that applies considering how the last few boards have been?
Extensive. I am a non prior w/ no officer recommendations. OAR is a little low for me personally but your background is amazing. Good luck at the board. I hope you get there in time.I know I am cutting it close with the date, but my package is on the Commodore's desk getting his signature for my CO's Recommendation.
29 Male
Approved SWO Age Waiver
Active Duty, IS1, 11 years
3 - NAMs, 1 Combat Action Ribbon
IDW/EXW/SW/AW warfere designators
3.85 GPA BA in Homeland Security
47 OAR
4 LORs - 1 INTEL O6, SEAL XO O4, AMO LDO O4, Intel O4 OIC,
5 Interviews - different Intel O6, Intel O5, SEAL O5, SWO O5, Supply O4
Tell me what you think...
Doubt you will have a problem with the board. What are your thoughts on my package?My application has been submitted since May
24 Male
Prior Corpsman, still in the Reserves...
7/8/7 59
3.7 BS Business Management
6 LOR's ranging from former CO's, SEL's, helitack supervisor, and triathalon coordinator who I volunteer with regularly.
Physical complete
They are going back to their old standards? When/where did you hear this? Thank you.
Looks very competitiveLet me know what you all think.
That was just hypothetical...meaning you should be good to go either wayThey are going back to their old standards? When/where did you hear this? Thank you.