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June Boards


New Member
that's ridiculous. i got pushed to june after promising to be seen in may, but i couldn't imagine repeatedly being told this month and being pushed to next month. no thanks.


Alive and kicking...sort of.
i've been waiting since january too...started getting everything ready back in october, then got pushed from december (no boards) until now due to some bumps in the road. Hopefully this will be the one for us all, and if May was a good indicator we should be in good spirits - so far it's been the best month since February.


New Member
No they didn't. My OR said that they can't get reasons as to why someone gets a PRO-NO. That makes sense, because I'm assuming someone more qualified got selected. However, I was also told that because supply was my 3rd choice they look at applicants with supply as their 1st choice more seriously. And again, that makes sense.

But despite him saying that, he said that if I don't get a pro-rec for SWO he is going to find out why. He says there is no reason I shouldn't be selected. So I guess we'll see.


New Member
Hey has anyone heard back from their OR if they made the at-board list? I heard from mine that the results will be out on the 8th... Pray we all make it!
Then at least we could stress out about gettting pro-reced instead of just hoping and stressing we get looked at...


New Member
Hey has anyone heard back from their OR if they made the at-board list? I heard from mine that the results will be out on the 8th... Pray we all make it!
Then at least we could stress out about gettting pro-reced instead of just hoping and stressing we get looked at...

Results of who made the board or results of pro recs?


New Member
Who made the boards is a good question. I was wondering the same thing. I submitted my package the first week in May, but as of a few days ago my OR couldn't guarantee I made boards for Pilot/NFO. Apparently I will be on the Intel board. If there is a list that comes out, that would be great because my OR is on leave for the better part of the next few weeks. Nothing I can do right now but sit on my hands, or type away at this message board. :D


Final Select NFO
Hey has anyone heard back from their OR if they made the at-board list? I heard from mine that the results will be out on the 8th... Pray we all make it!
Then at least we could stress out about gettting pro-reced instead of just hoping and stressing we get looked at...

If anyone knows if this "at-board" list and date is actual, that would be great, so I know when to contact my OR about if I'm on it or not.


Alive and kicking...sort of.
I do know that it exists, but not on the date. My OR told me expect to hear from him sometime next week on the at-board list, but some in the past have heard sooner. I think I'll wait until the 16th before I start the barrage of harassing phone calls to him...there's nothing to really get excited about until then, and worrying about it will only induce more drinking prior to pro-req celebrating, especially when I should be working out hard in anticipation of the PRT the following week.


Alive and kicking...sort of.
Has anyone heard from their OR about the at-board list yet? Just curious, as no one's been posting lately and that's not normal for AW...usually the posts would be increasing as the date draws near.


Alive and kicking...sort of.
Thanks guys. I'll be glad to be on the other side of the process after all of this. Something about sitting back and enjoying college and a paycheck while I wait to go fly jets is a lot more intriguing than stalking the AW boards every couple of weeks.


New Member
Has anyone heard from their OR about the at-board list yet? Just curious, as no one's been posting lately and that's not normal for AW...usually the posts would be increasing as the date draws near.

My OR has confirmed that I will be reviewed this month. He got confirmation last week.
