Thanks, one and all!
Sorry for not having responded to many inquiries until just now, but I've been spending most of my "free time" either running or studying for the ASTBs.
The reason why I mentioned that I am a female seeking commission as a Naval Officer was that, although I've been told by DIs that women and men are seen and treated as "warriors", negating the gender issue, I still believe that women have to focus on training and getting through the physical demands for OCS in quite a different way than men do. I, for one, have held girls over my head during cheerleading, but NEVER was able to do full push-ups. I'm really struggling with my upper-body strength (unlike the natural ability for most men) and therefore am working hard just to pass the PRT requirements. This strength training takes time to develop...and right now, it looks like my PRTs will have to take place in less than four weeks from now, if I am to try and make it to OCS before the beginning of next year.
I've been running for about a month, now, and only just been able to run the entire 1.5 miles in less than 18 min. I believe "excellent" timing is 13:00 for the 1.5 miles, so I've got three more weeks to hit that mark. I am ABSOLUTELY NOT in shape for OCS...yet...prob. not even in that great of shape for the PRT, but am determined to get that commission (I guess everyone has their motivations...I, like Richard Gere's character in "An Officer and a Gentleman" feel I have nothing to lose and everything to gain by a Commission as a Naval Officer. My BA has afforded me little else other than this opportunity--despite the fact I hold a published thesis and fantastic resume.)
On the plus side, UNLIKE many of the men I know, I am VERY flexible and find curl-ups to be the LEAST of my worries. I also have little problem doing the leg-lifts common on the DI list o' physical torture. I have also worked very hard throughout my college years (even working a third-shift remodeling a Super Wal-Mart one summer, to pay for my education) and have suffered through some pretty difficult challenges...paving my way towards a bit more clarity, drive and fortitude when dealing with others. You see, I WANT to "drink the coolaid", and am really focused on LEARNING from my DI's. Humility is recognition of your own weaknesses and the willingness to allow others to help you work on them. I already view my future DI's like that... Like a friend (and Naval Intel Officer) put it, "It’s funny to see how guys react to being yelled at, at first: most of them, you can tell, just want to punch the DI or the Chief who’s yelling at them. Women, on the other hand, as you will see, might have less physical prowess than their classmates, but they usually have WAY more stamina."
So, when I put it out there that I am a woman looking for others to share their insight, it was not to insult the men on this forum (or to dissuade them from sharing their experiences), but rather to do what I felt I needed to in order to "research" OCS and it's challenges for my sex.
For those interested, I received a note from an Intel Officer (not connected with this forum) who gave some GREAT advice as a woman entering OCS and its challenges. If you'd like to read it, I'll be happy to share.
I'm counting down, three weeks from today, ASTBs and Medical Exam!
Thanks for the help, all!