Here's one:
After OCS, how much marching/drill actually goes on in the aviation community? I know for formal events/weddings there might be some sword swinging here and there, but how often do you guys actually "form up"?
At least in the USMC, you have a formation maybe once or twice a week. As long as you can maintain some semblence of discipline (i.e. standing straight with your feet together and your hands at your side) no one notices your drill. Longest formations are monthly promotion/awards formations. My squadron broke it up and would do promotions one day, awards/meritorious promotions the next.
You might be there for 1-2 changes of command. There's a little bit of drill involved if you're a platoon commander, and I think the Navy uses swords. Of the ones I've been to, the COC was in cammies - and I was carrying my T/O weapon (a pistol). The Navy COC's I've been to that they used swords, they wore them and never unsheathed them.
I have not used my sword outside of TBS other than for weddings. Well that, and to pass the time while in Iraq. Seriously. We'd trade off rifle PT and sword manual. Gotta stay sharp...