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love me or hate me


Used to Care
Just like any branch, there are good and bad things about the Air Force. The Navy has its flaws too, we just don't wear scarves as part of our uniform.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
"Boomer's" path to Wings of Gold

RetreadRand said:
Gator, What was Boomer's deal?

Vice Admiral "Boomer" Stufflebeem initially enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserves in 1969 and after serving as a deck seaman later attended the Naval Academy graduating in 1975. He was designated a Surface Warfare Officer in 1978 and then attended flight school and was designated a Naval Aviator in 1980.



Super Moderator
I was speaking to a Navy Pentagon type two weeks ago. He mentioned that he (an O-3) would routinely give briefs with Air Force counterparts. He would show up alone, they would always bring at least one O-6 who did most of the talking. His opinion (of course) was that the O-6s were generally not well prepared and certainly excessive brass.

He also claimed that the next fiscal year will see a reduction of 300 Air Force O-6s.

Yes and no. I was stationed in a joint command and I saw this sometimes, but it more related to the enviroment in DC than anything else. There is so much brass around here that you can't five feet without running into an O-6, my office had alone had 2 O-6's and about 12 O-5's out of 70 civilian and military personnel (only one Marine, they were pretty rare and usually quality guys......except for the idiot who always gave briefs with a gigantic wad of dip in his mouth :()

With that said, I did see quite a difference between Naval Aviation JO's and the JO's from other services. First off, there were very few of them in the DC area, especially compared to Navy LT's (by far the most numerous rank is O-5, and predominantly Air Force). A stark pair of differences between Navy JO's and others was being able to think on your feet when asked a question and giving briefs. Many times I saw fellow LT's give a quick and thorough answer to a question when many of the other guys would go back and research it for hours and then send up a PPT brief answering it. Briefings were also an interesting contrast, Naval Aviation guys would do it with practiced ease while getting to the point quickly (we do it every time we fly!). I saw most of my contemporaries from other services give stiff briefs that were too lengthy/wordy and had way too much whiz bang crap like fade-in letters and graphs. If I saw one more graphic pop-up on a slide or shoot across the screen I was going to strangle someone........:icon_rage

With all of that said, the USAF O-5's and O-6's that I worked with were generally pretty good group of guys. The best boss I had in DC was a USAF O-6, former KC-135 Nav and USAFA professor. He knew very little about the job when he showed up but learned quick and always trusted us to the right thing, and he covered our backs repeatedly. He got out early with the reduction in USAF O-6's, took the option of retiring with just two years in rank. The next step for the USAF is a board to decide which O-6's stay and which ones go.......


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein

Sounds like he has been a busy guy ... what a resume!


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
RetreadRand said:
wasn't he in the NFL? One of his aides told me he was...

He got his nickname "Boomer" due to stellar performance as a punter for the Naval Academy football team and played three seasons of professional football punting for the Detroit Lions after graduation, but he opted to fly Navy. Quite a resume indeed.


I'm here for the Jeeehawd!
Dude, those guys have to wear yellow reflective belts on their cammies at all hours of the day...seriously

I couldn't be more serious when I tell you that I was standing in the ticket line of a mid-eastern country's airline awaiting a flight back to the U.S. When an AF officer in civilian attire caught my eye.

His carry-on luggage consisted of his helmet bag adorned with C-130 patches (and his velcro name tag), civilian clothes collared shirt and all, and the ever popular yellow PT belt around his waist! To his credit, he left it on throughout the entire 6 hour flight and I last saw him strutting down the jet way to another connection...PT belt and all.

Every service has it's allottment of tool bags, I just seem to see a proprtionately larger number in the Air Force.


Voted 8.9 average on the Hot-or-Not scale
^^ That guy seems like a douche-nozzle, but come on Stearmann, the AF doesn't have a monopoly on idiotic command decisions--you have to wear reflector belts in the daytime if you're wearing your PT uniform. Speaking of which, thanks alot for hoisting that POS on the AF! If it weren't for your command's reaction to AF folks in Afghanistan we wouldn't have a PT uniform today.

Of all the responses, I think Flash and HeyJoe hit the nail on the head. A few others came close, and a few others are sitting on the roof of the apartment complex just off left field. With luck, maybe some of the pilots that have done primary with the Navy can change the system in a few decades, but until then it's a hopeless battle. Reference the "dumbness at the deid" thread on baseops.net

Some of us do recognize there's a serious problem out here. The problem with a beauracracy is it's got a VERY large turn radius. Assuming you can even turn it at all. Right now the AF is trapped in lag


I'm here for the Jeeehawd!
^^ That guy seems like a douche-nozzle, but come on Stearmann, the AF doesn't have a monopoly on idiotic command decisions--you have to wear reflector belts in the daytime if you're wearing your PT uniform. Speaking of which, thanks alot for hoisting that POS on the AF! If it weren't for your command's reaction to AF folks in Afghanistan we wouldn't have a PT uniform today.

I believe I fairly stated each service had it's detractors, but the AF appears more so. Possibly because as previously indicated, there's just more command oversight, whereas in the Navy junior enlisted and officers are given more responsibility to make sound decisions. I know as an E-6 I was managing a department and assets that easily exceeded what a typical Army or AF 01- 03 manage. Pilot duties not withstanding of course.

As for the POS in question...I have no doubt the Army Safety Center had an epiphany when they mandated wear of the reflective belt with PT-gear, even during the day. However, it was the AF alone which took a poor idea and accelerated it to truly ludicrous speed by making it policy to wear it with every uniform and civies. Was the officer I spoke of simply following some new PT belt reg I'm unaware of?

Lastly, when you refer to a command, you're referring to the individial unit to which you're assigned. Although I think the AF deals in bigger "commands" i.e PACAF, AFSOC, TAC, etc. The parties responsibile for for these policies we speak of are the services. As for my command, I can assure you we didn't have any part in the PT belt policy development, nor do we adhere to any uniform policies set forth by either service.

My perspective is simply from one who has the fortune of observing the siliness from the outside, and the AF is hands down the winner. Now talk about making a relatively simple evolution a cumbersome bowl of suck, the Army invented the concept.


Voted 8.9 average on the Hot-or-Not scale
However, it was the AF alone which took a poor idea and accelerated it to truly ludicrous speed by making it policy to wear it with every uniform and civies. Was the officer I spoke of simply following some new PT belt reg I'm unaware of?

No. He was just an idiot. Or maybe he had it on to thwart the uniform nazis at Base X if it was night time in a required area and he forgot to take it off. Either way, there is no AF reg instructing people to wear reflector belts except in darkness and/or in poorly lit areas. There are plenty of dumb things the AF and military does on a daily basis, this isn't one of them.

In perfect agreement. The AF is in serious need of an enema. Looks like the army can have sloppy seconds on the applicator


Token Air Force (Viper) Guy
Wow LOTS of broad generalizations here. The AF has issues, stoooopid policies, and too many rules/regs just like the other services. Our cultures are different....not better, not worse just different. The AF isn't anywhere close to having the same "we are here to support the ground forces" mentality as Army and Marine aviation, but on the positive we are better able to focus on the mision at hand because we are not worried about our next trap (and LSO grade). :icon_wink

One thing I don't understand though is the obsession with the Air Force and ascots. I have never even seen an ascot in the Air Force except for the admittedly gay Thunder Birds ( I'm guessing the blues have ascots but refuse to wear them?). And FTR, I didn't wear a scarf for the last 10 years of my career since 96 or so). So there!

Can't we all just get along...One team one fight...or maybe the fighter guys can pick on the fat kids (wide bodies) for a while?...a round of milk shots for my Naval Aviator brethren!

This video about sums it up!




Lone Warrior
If you're part of Navy/USMC aviation community then: AF = GAY.
If you're part of AF aviation community then: Navy = HOMOS.

What the F**K do people expect to hear on a NAVAL AVIATION FORUM.
I'm a NA and my younger brother just graduated UPT (T-38s/F-16 Bound). Needless to say, the family gatherings are nothing but inter-service rivalry/bashing sessions.


*okay, with my lack of experience on AW forum, I'll consider me a NOOB as well I guess.:eek:


Yep. The clock says, "MAN TIME".
This video about sums it up!



I can't believe you just Rickroll'd us (collectively)...


I have to say though Hoser (aka hfrog84) has never picked on me as a fat kid in the entire time we've worked together. In fact, all the Viper guys I've worked with have been accepting and have welcomed us into the fold when working together. I can't speak for how they view tanker guys though...