You'll have gaps between stages of training - take leave, take trips, make memories. Try to make a couple of hours pf time for your spouse during the week - even if that's a movie or a board game, just something. Make sure they know you get your schedule 24 hours at a time and that the schedule is non-negotiable. Explore the local area together - the Pensacola beaches are legendary and has great restaurants (Corpus less so, Kingsville certainly not). There are also lots of places within liberty radius of the training bases that are worth checking out. If you already have one or more hobbies in common, make sure you're continuing to invest in that, even if to a lesser extent.If this has already been answered please forgive me but, for those of you who got married prior to joining the Navy and going to flight school, Any advice? I've been married for a little over a year and while I am confident that it was the right decision based on the circumstances, I am acutely aware that Navy flight school is going to put a ton of stress on most relationships during the pipeline and beyond. How did you all balance it?
My wife and I make a game of making sure we've explored every park, museum, and high-rated restaurant within the liberty radius. Over the course of pool times and 72s/96s, we make sure to see all of the national parks that we can.