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Mexico threatens lawsuits over Guard


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Mexico threatens lawsuits over Guard

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (AP) -- Mexico warned Tuesday it would file lawsuits in U.S. courts if National Guard troops detain migrants on the border and some officials said they fear the crackdown will force illegal crossers into more perilous areas to avoid detection. ...

WTF? So now we're legally obligated to provide a safe route for ILLELGAL immigrants? We're not allowed to protect OUR boarders? Isn't the goal to discourage illegal immigration? This is very amusing coming from a country where governmental corruption is so ingrained it's become the norm. You wana know what happens if you sneak into Mexico and get caught? It ain't good. I'll be very curious to see how this one plays out.


Well-Known Member
This makes me so unspeakably angry.. I have kept quiet about this crap for awhile hoping it would all blow over. The sense of entitlement that these ILLEGAL immigrants have is unbelievable. Until about a month ago I was okay for there to be some way for them to obtain citizenship. After they rallied waving Mexican flags and flaunt the fact that they are illegal, I changed my mind. I have nothing against immigrants that are attempting to come here legally, but when an immigrant sneaks into the country takes advantage of our healthcare systems, school systems, and god-forbid welfare, I don't want them out there protesting, refusing to learn english and waving those damn Mexican flags. I propose we give the National Guard a shoot-on-sight order. That would close our border pretty damn quickly.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Really ridiculous. It should be take as an insult that they have even requested amnesty.


  • Illegal alien households are estimated to use $2,700 a year more in services than they pay in taxes, creating a total fiscal burden of nearly $10.4 billion on the federal budget in 2002.


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Matt Martin said:
Wow. Really ridiculous. It should be take as an insult that they have even requested amnesty.


  • Illegal alien households are estimated to use $2,700 a year more in services than they pay in taxes, creating a total fiscal burden of nearly $10.4 billion on the federal budget in 2002.
Not that I'm in support of the illegals, but that figure is meaningless unless they provide a figure for how much the average "legal" citizen uses compared with their own tax burden.

As screwed up as the federal government has allowed the situation to become, you just can't round them all up and deport them en mass. That's just the cold reality of ignoring the problem for so long.



Jim told me I can buy Gaydar online
I concur to a certain degree. Illegals don't necessarily abuse the system by choice, you know when your work doesn't provide you with healthcare programs because you're working manual labor, and employers don't have to offer you that because they know you're often desperate for work and they can take advantage of you they usually get away with it. Americans abuse immigrant workers just as much as much as Illegals abuse the healthcare, welfare systems and so on. A sizeable percentage of Americans also abuse these systems, should we shoot them too? A lot of times you see Mexican flags being waved WITH American flags at the same time. It's not just Mexico, or even latin America only. I'm a Fireman and I'm a rare breed being that I'm probably one of few without any Irish heritage in me. It's just a part of the Firefighter tradition, you can't go into a Firehouse in America without seeing an Irish flag on a helmet or a four leaf clover or SOMETHING. That's part of their heritage, a lot of these people have never even been to Ireland but they are proud of their Heritage. Illegals come straight from their country of heritage, you can't blame them for being proud of their country (being proud of your country and government are very different things, just look at this country). I am a first generation American, my dad (from Chile) and my mom (Guatemala) came here legally but they both still love their home countries as well as the U.S. To steal a Mission Impossible III quote "I would bleed on the flag to make sure the red stripes stay red" but I also am very proud of my heritage and I would never denounce it. This argument, just like abortion, religion etc. gets beat to death so I don't even want to get into it I just wanted to make these points.

As for Mexico's lawsuit I think they and the U.S. know their case won't hold in court, they are just making any effort to prevent troops at the border.


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flysupertomcat said:
you can't go into a Firehouse in America without seeing an Irish flag on a helmet or a four leaf clover or SOMETHING.
That is totally an east coast thing. You wont find that too much in SOCAL.



But the thing about the Irish is that they aren't that different from most Americans and many came here and assimilated. They also spoke english.

The illegals from south of the border do not want to assimilate, and vastly different from most of America culturally.

IMO, a ten foot tall wall with razor wire atop it and some land mines will close the border pretty damn quick. Oh, and give the border patrol orders to shoot-to-kill.


World's greatest pilot and occasional hero
I think it is time the United States just annexed Mexico. Enough Mexican citizens want to be in the U.S. anyway. If the U.S. were to annex Mexico, we would gain some senic land, the border to protect south of Mexico would be smaller, and cancun would still be in the U.S.. The prices for staying in resorts would go down to tourists with no more kickbacks going to a corupt Mexican govt.


flysupertomcat said:
As for Mexico's lawsuit I think they and the U.S. know their case won't hold in court, they are just making any effort to prevent troops at the border.

I only have one thing to say in reply.
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

If you don't know what that is think "Pledge of Alligence".


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Dmitri said:
I think it is time the United States just annexed Mexico. Enough Mexican citizens want to be in the U.S. anyway. If the U.S. were to annex Mexico, we would gain some senic land, the border to protect south of Mexico would be smaller, and cancun would still be in the U.S.. The prices for staying in resorts would go down to tourists with no more kickbacks going to a corupt Mexican govt.
Yeah, that's just what our economy needs is to take on tens of millions of new welfare mouths to feed, rampant crime and dilapidated infrastructure. Once you venture out of the tourist resorts in Cancun and Cabo, 95% of Mexico is a complete sh!thole.:eek:

That's the worst idea I've ever heard, jokingly or otherwise.
