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Mexico threatens lawsuits over Guard


TurnandBurn55 said:
Well, I guess we had the "W" in "WASP" covered with the Irish...
just not the P part, unless you think P stands for Papist.

The irish did a lot of dirty work in this country, such as building the levees in NOLA or the Delaware canal in SE PA. They used immigrants in NOLA instead of slaves since the slaves were considered too expensive to waste killing in the swamps.

Jolly Roger

Yes. I am a Pirate.
Think of the building of the Transcontinental Railroad. How many Chinese immigrants died in the construction of the Western portion of that track. Common attitude at the time: "They are only Chinks." To the some extent that attitude applies today with Mexican illegals. It's cyclical.

On another vein, I can tell you first hand that certain American companies are profitting immensely from the illegals. Namely Sprint and the company that I work for. No Social, no credit check, no problem. Just pay $150 deposit, pay for the phone, and go on your way. We get at least 6-7 in a day in just that scenario and all speak nothing but spanish.


Uncle Sam's Misguided Children
Yeah so I'm amazed that none of you have mentioned how close the unemployment rate is with the illegal working rate. Get rid of government handouts, that someone mentioned people take advantage of, you'll see how quickly Americans will do these "jobs that only illegal immigrants will do." The4.7% unemployment rate will quickly disappear when a check isn't showing up at your door on the first of the month anymore for doing NOTHING. Having
3rd and 4th generation welfare families wasn't the intent of welfare in the first place so why keep handing it out? Poor people claim it's the rich that are holding them back. What a pile of poo that is. They hold themselves back by making sure they just barely stay in the welfare bracket so they don't have to do anything for their money.

I'll take a Mexican working for me over a White or Black person anyday. They are hard working, don't complain, do what needs to be done, and they get the job done. It's just a bunch of brainwashing that makes them think they can only work here by being exploited by corporations that don't want to dish out the money to give them good working environments.

Now as for the whole assimilation thing. Do you know what Mexico's biggest money maker is? People sending money made here back home to their families. FYI, they don't want to assimilate, they want to make enough money here so they can go back to Mexico and be rich there. That's not that hard seeing as the economy sucks there. They don't want to be American citizens, they want to be rich in Mexico. They just can't obtain that goal by working in Mexico.


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HOORAH said:
The4.7% unemployment rate will quickly disappear when a check isn't showing up at your door on the first of the month anymore for doing NOTHING.
Actually, I'm all in favor of reducing government entitlements, but if you know a thing or two about economics, our 4.7% unemployment rate is essentially at what is called the "natural rate" and is considered by most economists to be full employment. It's usually between 4-5 percent in the US and accounts for the number of people in society who are changing jobs and other admin things like that. If it goes much below the natural rate, you start to see inflation. So, you could say that our unemployment rate is just about where it ought to be, which is funny when Iran's Ahmadinejad lectures the US about unemployment when Iran's is in the double digits.



Well-Known Member
During the Clinton years for a period of time we experienced "over-employment" (where the unemployment rate dipped down too low) and it hurt the job market.

There is frictional and cyclic unemployment that are good things that account for much of the 4.7%. Bottom line, for the most part, in America, as long as you are willing to do what it takes, jobs are out there for you.


Uncle Sam's Misguided Children
HueyCobra8151 said:
Bottom line, for the most part, in America, as long as you are willing to do what it takes, jobs are out there for you.
Sorry for the delay, I was on vacation, that was my f***ing point.

Prashant Patel

Registered User
AllAmerican75 said:
But the thing about the Irish is that they aren't that different from most Americans and many came here and assimilated. They also spoke english.

The illegals from south of the border do not want to assimilate, and vastly different from most of America culturally.

IMO, a ten foot tall wall with razor wire atop it and some land mines will close the border pretty damn quick. Oh, and give the border patrol orders to shoot-to-kill.

While I agree to an extent that illegals should not share the benefits of legal immigrants and nationalized citizens, what gives you the right to declare open-season on other human beings like that ? I tell you what; I'll give you an M-16 with a few clips...see if you can stand there and pull the trigger on a mother and her 6-yr old daughter struggling across the river.


Registered User
paddle562 said:
While I agree to an extent that illegals should not share the benefits of legal immigrants and nationalized citizens, what gives you the right to declare open-season on other human beings like that ? I tell you what; I'll give you an M-16 with a few clips...see if you can stand there and pull the trigger on a mother and her 6-yr old daughter struggling across the river.

I thought that's what this was for:


Finally no more pesky morals to wrestle with. And on a personal note I'm afraid that there is a large proportion society that would definitely not have a problem eliminating what they consider to be a future criminal factory and her offspring.

Semper Fi,
And on a personal note I'm afraid that there is a large proportion society that would definitely not have a problem eliminating what they consider to be a future criminal factory and her offspring.

While I enter this thread late as hell, just because they are illegal immigrants doesn't mean that they are not good family centered people. Thats kinda like saying all Arabs are terrorists. I am sure they are subject to becoming criminals more so than other children, because they don't have a stable family situation, but none the less they would still be a "criminal factory" if they were legal immigrants. Your taking Pres. Bush's pre-emptive strike doctrine to the extremes :p

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
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goosegagnon2 said:
While I enter this thread late as hell, just because they are illegal immigrants doesn't mean that they are not good family centered people. Thats kinda like saying all Arabs are terrorists. I am sure they are subject to becoming criminals more so than other children, because they don't have a stable family situation, but none the less they would still be a "criminal factory" if they were legal immigrants. Your taking Pres. Bush's pre-emptive strike doctrine to the extremes :p

They can be family oriented people, but when you have gangs like MS13 rising like CRAZY all over the country, people stop caring. That and drug trafficking, no-sh!t terrorists coming over the border, etc... you know how this works.


Come on, the FBI would have given him twins!
a couple notes:

1. amnesty is not a free pass. you have to have a legitimate reason to even request amnesty, and even then it's quite a long process, complete with green cards in the interim, until you EARN your citizenship.

2. citizenship is comprised of several factors, INCLUDING an allegiance and ONGOING relationship with the country of citizenship. you don't get to be a citizen and then proclaim your loyalty to another country. it doesn't work that way.

3. there was a period of time when i didn't have health insurance. i was sick for three months, and finally went to my gp because i didn't want to cause any permanent damage. i initially tried to go to a place with a sliding scale, since i had no job and no insurance, but my alleged 'sliding scale' was in excess of $200.00. my doctor was floored that i had waited three months and when i told her why, she looked at me, dumbfounded. she immediately cut my bill by 50% and gave me some drug samples. now, is there anyone who thinks that i, born in the midwest, should have been in that situation when there are many, many people in houston who get absolutely free medical care in the same no job/no insurance situation? was it because of my race? my citizenship? then, there was my mom, (also born in the midwest, to children of legal immigrants), who was rear ended on the freeway by a Mexican with:

no driver's license or other ID
no insurance
a total wad of cash-- like $800 worth
3 cell phones

the cops told her that because he wasn't a citizen, there was nothing they could do, and she basically had no recourse in getting her car fixed. thank God she wasn't injured.

what's equitable here?
but when you have gangs like MS13 rising like CRAZY all over the country

aww I saw the documentary on them too a long time ago...good point, but hey atleast give them a warning shot before turning their family into a heap of useless bodies.

INCLUDING an allegiance and ONGOING relationship with the country of citizenship. you don't get to be a citizen and then proclaim your loyalty to another country.

unless your Canadian.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
snow85 said:
then, there was my mom, (also born in the midwest, to children of legal immigrants), who was rear ended on the freeway by a Mexican with:

no driver's license or other ID
no insurance
a total wad of cash-- like $800 worth
3 cell phones

the cops told her that because he wasn't a citizen, there was nothing they could do, and she basically had no recourse in getting her car fixed. thank God she wasn't injured.

what's equitable here?

I'm sorry about your mom. Did the police officer arrest that person? Why not? See, that's what's fvcked up with this country right now.

You want to see a completely sane and balanced person be driven to rage? Have an illegal immigrant with no insurance hit my new truck. I would be susceptible to manslaughter.


The future of the Supply Corps
If you lived in Kentucky like Ky and I, no judge would EVER convict you for that in that situation, Fly. :D


Come on, the FBI would have given him twins!
Fly Navy said:
I'm sorry about your mom. Did the police officer arrest that person? Why not? See, that's what's fvcked up with this country right now.

You want to see a completely sane and balanced person be driven to rage? Have an illegal immigrant with no insurance hit my new truck. I would be susceptible to manslaughter.

i don't think there was an arrest. i'll ask her. she's fine-- happened a few years ago in rush hour. didn't hit her hard, but there was body damage to the vehicle. just isn't cool that she had to pay to have it fixed.

those are just two examples though, and that kind of thing happens all the time. recently, houston city council voted to continue funding a day labor site. this is part the generalized problem/issue.