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MH-53E Deployment life vs MH-60R and S


What did that turn out to be like then? Ive asked around plently of people to get the reality of the Navy not what recruiters tell you.
I applied to USNA and NROTC only, accepted a NROTC scholarship, and was eventually commissioned as Ensign. Went to flight school and got my wings. Flew 60Ss in my fleet and shore tours and then was a Mini Boss on an LHD. Flight school was challenging (I don't pick up monkey skills quickly but was extremely solid in academics). Once I got my wings it felt like it was non stop until I got out 7yr later. Of those 7yrs I was gone for close to 5yrs (or so says my wife). In hindsight I did a lot of cool stuff. I just posted about it the other day. There was a lot of crap in there as well but I've glossed a lot of that over with memories of the good bits.

Juwon Brunson

New Member
I applied to USNA and NROTC only, accepted a NROTC scholarship, and was eventually commissioned as Ensign. Went to flight school and got my wings. Flew 60Ss in my fleet and shore tours and then was a Mini Boss on an LHD. Flight school was challenging (I don't pick up monkey skills quickly but was extremely solid in academics). Once I got my wings it felt like it was non stop until I got out 7yr later. Of those 7yrs I was gone for close to 5yrs (or so says my wife). In hindsight I did a lot of cool stuff. I just posted about it the other day.
Even though I think you and a couple others said it could be irelevant by time I get in could you tell me more about your time in? You basically just went down the route I want to go (other than the 7 years)


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Well I mean thats why im picking the Navy is to get on the boat or carriers and visit all the ports.
This simple concept is lost on some. Being stuck on the boat while on non-flying orders (as Pickle is) is one side of that coin. Flying operationally from the boat is hands down the most enjoyable and rewarding kind of flying there is - period.


Social Justice Warlord
Never, ever...ever....volunteer for the ship...ever.

The ship is like a prostate exam. A horrible pain in the ass that will forever haunt you emotionally, but is necessary for healthy progress (according to some people)

Weird... I never killed a terrorist on a day I woke up in the Sigonella BOQ. Or my house in Milton...


- hawk Pilot
Navy vs other service flying.

NAVY: The boat environment sucks. The flying on/from the boat is great. Navy bases are usually located near the water, even if it is a 45 minute drive away. A port visit to Jebel Ali or Bahrain is still a port visit. The deployment environment is austere, but not on the same level as it is in the Army.

ARMY: The deployed environment sucks. FOBS in Iraq, Afghanistan and even Camp Buehring, Kuwait suck. But even the smallest FOB is usually larger than an aircraft carrier, and certainly larger than a small boy. Flying in the Army can be pretty exciting. Not the same way as landing on a boat is, although you might even get to do that too, but the getting shot at, landing on a road picking up injured soldiers in the middle of the night, flying over places where a good portion of the populace REALLY doesn't like you...THAT kind of exciting! And I'll put dust landings where the sky gets dark in the middle of the day right there next to landing on a small boy unaided at night.

Most Army bases are located in the armpit (or taint) of the world. Places like Ft. Hood, Texas or Ft. Riley, Kansas just don't conjure up the same picture as San Diego. Hell, even (gasp) Norfolk is better than Killeen, Texas. Oh, and there are no port visits during the Army's 9-12 month deployments.

I never killed a terrorist in the Navy or Army, but I definitely experienced their efforts first and second hand in both the Navy and the Army.