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Miramar/San Diego Airport


New Member
I lived in Mira Mesa for 18 yrs and the jet noise wasnt that bad. But make it an International airport, thats definitely gonna make heads spin.

I lived over in Scripps Ranch and I never heard the jet, only when the Blue Angels were in town for the air show and that was only because they flew over my house.


Well-Known Member
The Navy gave them Brown Field in '61 to develope for a civilian field, but they decided to build a terminal on the other side of the runway. We ended up going out to San Clemente for FCLP. That was a real joy. The try for Mirimar is pretty much a land grab by the corupt locals anyhow.


Active Member
I've listened to the San diegans bitch about the airport noise but they admit they love the convenience; kind of like DCA. There was a push back in 73 or 74 to take over NAS Miramar but the Admiral told the mayor to pound sand and that was that. Same arguments basically then as now.
The problem with SAN from an aircrew perspective is RW27 is a LOC approach with ceiling mind of about 660 feet and they'll run that approach until someone goes missed. Then they'll turn it to the ILS9 but that's about a 250\1 mins procedure and that drives the Point Loma noise committee wild when they start the Easterly arrivals.
The parking garage has a special place in the hearts of those of us who've felt their way to 27 on a minimums morning, there's not much room for error on that approach. But SAN is still my favorite layover city, it'd be even better if Boom's was still there instead of a parking lot.
Once again posted from an Iphone so read for context not for
grammar and spelling.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
The SD folks continual scheming to get Miramar is very amusing, and apparently never-ending. It usually goes something like this:
SD: See, Miramar would be perfect for a new airport because-
Marines: No.
SD: -growth at Lindbergh is impossible, and Miramar is more remote but still has freeway-
Marines: No! Negative!
SD: -access, and we could still use Lindberg as a commuter field-
Marines: N-O spells "FUCK NO!" you clowns!

Anyway, Navy/MC in general doesn't like the idea of sharing a field with civvie traffic. The AF does it a lot, and makes it work, but every time I've seen it, it's been sharing with small regional airports (Eglin, Charleston), not a major metro hub like San Diego.


loud-mouthed, know-it-all
The Marines don't really get to say whether they are keeping Mirimar and if it gets changed. BRAC is the process for that kind of thing. Mirimar has been on the BRAC list for almost every year for something like the last 5-10 years. Every year, "it's going to close and become the new airport." It sounds like somebody is a little more worried that it could happen now with a PAC forming and all.

In the end, it takes an act of Congress to make it all happen. If the Marines were on board with it, it would probably breeze through the political process, but with the Marines saying no, it could still happen just as easily as if they said yes. Unfortunately, politicians rarely use basic reason and economics to solve problems because they are not held responsible for the actual outcome (as opposed to the intended outcome). So, anything could happen.

Since it's been in the works for so long and hasn't died, I would bet there is something truly behind it.


Life is Gouda
Always fun to watch the planes come in for an approach to Lindberg Field from the east. Even more fun to watch them take off that way, but that is pretty rare comparatively speaking.

Yeah, it's always awesome rolling out of a show at The Casbah on Kettner as a huge jet comes flying right over that parking garage... it's almost like you can jump up and grab onto it!


Registered User
I might be mistaken, but I do believe that the city was offered Miramar when the Navy left...instead the Marines picked that up. If I my failing memory is correct, then F-ck San Diego, you had your chance.

Old R.O.

Professional No-Load
I might be mistaken, but I do believe that the city was offered Miramar when the Navy left...instead the Marines picked that up. If I my failing memory is correct, then F-ck San Diego, you had your chance.

Mistaken, I think. I don't remember the Navy/Marine Corps ever giving an inch on giving up the property. I think it was offered back in the '40s or early '50s before it became a Master Jet Base, but was too far out in the boonies for the city to consider it... ( I could be wrong on this one...)


Well-Known Member
I think it was offered back in the '40s or early '50s before it became a Master Jet Base, but was too far out in the boonies for the city to consider it... ( I could be wrong on this one...)

You're right on that, and I believe the price asked was $1... at least thats what PBS told me a few months ago.


Anyway, Navy/MC in general doesn't like the idea of sharing a field with civvie traffic. The AF does it a lot, and makes it work, but every time I've seen it, it's been sharing with small regional airports (Eglin, Charleston), not a major metro hub like San Diego.

Doesn't Hickham and HNL share runways?


Doesn't Hickham and HNL share runways?

We even had to take a wave-off once in the WHALE -- as the HANG Bruddahs
that landed ahead of us couldn't figure out how to get their 4-plane off the runway in a timely manner .... :)


Single Seat

Average member
IIRC wasn't Miramar given to the Marines as part of the 'Hook fallout?

Crying shame. Now we have LeMoore, and Va Beach. Wooohooo.

Old R.O.

Professional No-Load
IIRC wasn't Miramar given to the Marines as part of the 'Hook fallout?

Crying shame. Now we have LeMoore, and Va Beach. Wooohooo.

Kinda depends on who you talk to. Some say it was ADM Kelso's way of getting back at the Fighter mafia at Miramar. The Tailhook '91 witch hunt and the Tomcat Follies debacle that happened around the same time didn't help the cause, and there were a lot of political vultures that used these events for their own gain and made hay at the Navy's expense.