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More trouble at the Academy

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As good as todays all volunteer force seems to be perhaps standards are not as good as the draft days for Annapolis, I dunno, maybe you can enlighten because cheating, fighting or murder just was unheard of.

You are obviously not aware of the USNA Honor Code's history.


Still learning how much I don't know.
While it's true that Doc Ronan turned out to be a bad apple, the Baltimore Sun is about as anti-academy as you can get.

In terms of not being anything special, well, that just makes you look like a bitter old man.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about since you have no idea what their background is. You simply make assumptions and go from there. Perhaps you should stick to commenting on subjects you have some knowledge of.

Jebus H. Christ, two kids playing Wyatt Fvcking Erp, what did they get for they're trouble? Seems to me that they should have called the cops instead of THINKING they could play hero or be peace maker. Good experience though, they found out they aren't Super Hero's just yet.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Sure I am, this seems to be the latest. Looks kinda like Club Med until you're caught. It's obvious the place is NOTHING special anymore. Perhaps is was a mistake to make it Co Ed after all? Colorado Springs runs a close second in the news, I'm not hearing West Point every other day in the news at least.

Just keep digging..."Sugar Britches"...
While it's true that Doc Ronan turned out to be a bad apple, the Baltimore Sun is about as anti-academy as you can get.

In terms of not being anything special, well, that just makes you look like a bitter old man.

The Sun is left of Mao, that's no top secret document Pal. Bitter old man? Thanks! :icon_tong It used to be kids would be thrown out for chickenshit regs like maintaining a car off station, now these inmates could blend in with ANY populous with their fair share of crime. Nope, nothing special anymore. :( We're about due for another cheating scandal, it's been several months.


Sure I am, this seems to be the latest. Looks kinda like Club Med until you're caught. It's obvious the place is NOTHING special anymore. Perhaps is was a mistake to make it Co Ed after all? Colorado Springs runs a close second in the news, I'm not hearing West Point every other day in the news at least.


Nope, you are not aware. I am talking about the story of how the Honor Code was started. If you don't think fighting and murder have not been part of the Academy's history, then you really don't much about it's history.


Murder? ? ?

Well, that's a slight stretch... but I believe the other MIDN died from his injuries. I am not sure what legal proceedings resulted from the incident, but I can see (atleast in today's environment) the charge of murder.


Well-Known Member
After doing a little research into your profile, I found some very interesting info... "Retired dollar 18 & CV580 FE" means that as far as I can tell, you were enlisted in the Air Force or Navy. Then you come here and get on your high horse and dictate how future Naval Officers should conduct themselves?

Then you proclaim this loudly and proudly to a bunch of current and former Naval Officers, some of whom who have graduated from the Naval Academy. You're an idiot plain and simple, and don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Let's dissect your argument. Call cops or SP (which doesn't exist), because they have more training. Cops yes, but if it's SP - they have training in how to wear an armband, and that's about it. I've been shore patrol in Italy and wasn't given any special training. More evidence that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

So if they call the cops and run away, they don't show any moral courage. Let those fuckers rot in an Italian jail, as long as I get back to the ship in time. That's what you want. More evidence that you'd make a shitty officer in the Naval Service. Thank god you never did, because I'm sure that at least one or two fine Americans would be stuck in a Turkish prison because you weren't Superman.

Fuck the chain of command, if they identify themselves as senior to me - it's OK, I'm drunk!! Again, this is what you're arguing.

Sugar Britches is a compliment - If you really believe this, and are working in any kind of professional environment you probably won't for long... Because it's sexual harassment, plain and simple.

Finally - you know so much about the Naval Academy because you grew up in Anne Arundel County, and how "elite" it used to be, but it's clearly not now... Sounds to me like you're bitter....

Sounds to me like the Naval Academy turned you down, and now you're pissed at us. I'm with HH-60H - take it somewhere else.


New Member
As good as todays all volunteer force seems to be perhaps standards are not as good as the draft days for Annapolis, I dunno, maybe you can enlighten because cheating, fighting or murder just was unheard of.

Sir, You are actually correct. "Back in your days" of being a resident of Maryland, cheating and fighting were unheard of from Canoe U. That is not to say it didn't go on (A Sense of Honor anyone?).

However comma in this post tailhook/ee scandal/usafa rape environment anything not fully disclosed to the media is immediately seen as a cover up. (Not necessarily a bad thing btw, transparency is good)

Mids have their faults, they always have. Looking through the rose tinted glass of history for a comparison of the character of current and former mids is incredibly short sighted and does the current crop an incredible disservice.

Yes you are entitled to your opinion but I am entitled to throw a bs flag on it.


Blind. Continue...
Jebus H. Christ, two kids playing Wyatt Fvcking Erp, what did they get for they're trouble? Seems to me that they should have called the cops instead of THINKING they could play hero or be peace maker. Good experience though, they found out they aren't Super Hero's just yet.

I don't know your background, but your profile says you are retired so I will try to tread lightly and show you more respect than you are showing these two mids who did the EXACT right thing.

If the lesson they learn from this is the one you propose they should then it is a sad day. From what has been reported, their actions were professional and correct. They were not trying to play a hero as you ignorantly and flippantly suggest, they were acting the part of an officer. In attempting the break up the fight they were (1) taking a moral stand in front of subordinates that fighting is not appropriate behavior for a midshipman, (2) acting in their subordinate's best interest by trying to get him out of a situation that was very dangerous for him both physically and professionally, and (3) protecting their unit from public embarrassment by handling the problem at the lowest level. That is what junior officers are trained to do, and as simple as those things sound they can be incredibly difficult to do. Far easier would it have been to see the fight and walk away than for them to do the right thing.

You have the audacity to suggest that today's junior officer is "nothing special" while at the same time suggesting that the appropriate action was to take the coward's way out and just leave those other mids there to deal with the cops. Due to your obvious cynicism toward today's Navy you should feel reassured that at least these two mids had the balls, figuratively if not literally, to put themselves into harms way to do the right thing, protect their sailors, and protect their unit. Maybe that is different from what officers used to do, but somehow I think those things have been traits of successful officers since the days of fighting sail.

Again, sir, I have no idea who you are, but given the relatively benign response to your multiple inappropriate, unprofessional, and just plain ignorant posts I will assume that you have been around the block a few times. I am not trying to be rude, but you have just cut down two mids for doing the right thing, made a sexist comment about a mid who has shown she has all the "balls" necessary to be an officer, and implied that an entire generation of officers (my generation) is nothing the write home about.

I am not in the business of defending the Academy. I certainly didn't go there and I can't honestly understand why anyone would voluntarily subject themselves to something that is tantamount to a medium security prison. HOWEVER, I have had the opportunity to work with many fine officers who cut their teeth in that school. As with all previous wars, Academy alums (and junior officers in general) are acquitting themselves with honor in our current conflicts and you have the gumption to say that the Academy produces nothing more than cheating criminals who wouldn't have passed muster in your day? I dare say that in your day when someone did something stupid, and you know damned well it happened, it didn't make the local news the next morning and find itself all over the internet by the next evening.

I guess what it comes down to sir is that I take personal offense to the broad brush that you are painting all JOs with, especially when your case in point for how bad we all are happens to be a shining example of how good some of us are. If you are going to flippantly tell us what we should think of these incidents, at least do us the favor of taking a moment to pause and think before you post. You are making an ass out of yourself and insulting many members on this forum.


Due to your obvious cynicism toward today's Navy you should feel reassured that at least these two mids had the balls, figuratively if not literally, to put themselves into harms way to do the right thing, protect their sailors, and protect their unit.

I'm sorry, I just had to quote that sentence. It's so good, in so many ways. I also thought I would take the opportunity to reduce the tension in this thread.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I just had to quote that sentence. It's so good, in so many ways. I also thought I would take the opportunity to reduce the tension in this thread.
I agree with you, there is a bit of tension in this thread, understandably so. No one ever gets to see the good things that happen at that school, the good examples of how the honor concept worked. Like when you and I had to retake our 2/C Naval Strategy and Tactics final because midshipmen bravely stood up and went to the proctors and told them they had seen the exam before.

I also think that SDNalgene hit it on the head. All of it.
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