Anyone else find it amusing that they're selling a semi-auto version with a spare barrel?
If you're spending $10K on a gun, you can probably (hopefully) pay to feed it, so shooting out a barrel isn't out of the question. I don't know what kind of barrel FN uses in its M249 semi, but you can shoot out a Colt 6920/6921 in 10K rounds fairly easy (maybe less if you use cheaper ammo like regular Wolf).
Now, the real question is: will the average buyer of the M249 semi actually shoot it? And that, I'd argue, has a different answer.
So, this may be a question for a lawyer, but I'll throw it up here just in case someone has had experience with it.
I have a trust for my sbr and silencer and would like to sbr an AK47 pistol. My trust is for Florida and I just filled out a form 20 (temporary out of state transfer) for primary. I figure I'll do that until I get to the fleet and then get the trust amended for my new actual state.
Question is, can I file a form 1, using my Florida trust and once it's approved file a form 20 to transfer hypothetical sbr out of state, then take pistol to gunsmith with approved form 1 and form 20 to get the underfolder stock done here in Texas? Thus making it an a legal sbr?
The trust is a "person" in FL, so that "person" can apply to make a firearm in FL, regardless of where you are. However, when you file the Form 1, you have to put an address of the trust. I haven't cracked the code on whether that address has to be in the same state as the entity of your Trust. I suppose it depends on if Trust A meets State B's trust requirements. I just don't know the answer to that one.