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Fun, I'm a Boy Scout and I love wilderness survival camping .

I just want to emphasis the HAHAHAHAHAHA, SERE is the best training that you'll ever recieve and never want to repeat EVER again!

This isn't a Boy Scout Jamborie. This is nothing like you have ever experienced. If you have been through it, you understand and get it. I know other have commented about it, but I really wanted to add my two cents here.

I actually deleted my Myspace account for the STA-21 boards. I don't have anything incriminating on there, but I think there is a perception of the people that use those kind of online netwroking as a sign of immaturity. I do believe when used properly it can be a wonderful tool to netwrok and find others from your past. In other realms, it is very invasive, and people taht you don't want looking at it have free reign. Granted, I have since reactivated my Myspace page, I am very careful with what i put on it.

For example, I have a great picture of BIGIRON and I..... Just kidding LT!


New Member
Also remember that once things are posted on the open internet (not behind a password, private setting, etc.) they are likely out of your control forever.

I use a rule of thumb to never put anything in writing or do anything publicly that I wouldn't mind seeing on the Jumbotron.


New Member
Like say your ass in a pair of Capris while climbing a repelling wall?


Sorry couldnt help myself.

:eek: You know, I never really noticed that photo like that before. Thanks for pointing it out. It's always nice to get a male's perspective. It's been fixed.


Retired Strike Pig Driver
as long as the bennies outweigh the negatives, I'll probably keep it up there.

The question is...do they really?

What is REALLY the benefit of putting information about yourself out there?

Intelligence gatherers used to have to work for years and years to get the kind of HUMINT that US military bloggers and MySpace users are putting out there for FREE every day.

Not only does it put you at risk personally, but it also could put your family (if you have one) and potentially the military at risk.

And for exactly what benefit?


The question is...do they really?

For me, yes. Life is about taking calculated risks, and I don't feel that I've put the type of info out that would injure or risk my family. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am, and as long as I feel that way, I have no problem sharing my life with a lot of friends that otherwise, I would not have the time or inclination to stay in touch with.

Again, as mentioned before, I've talked to numberous kids/peers that have questioned me about my job and what I do on a daily basis. That is the kind of priceless communication that I can relay to the general public regarding the military and ultimately allow me the opportunity to provide some sort of ambassitorship (is that a word?) to the US Navy.

Also, on my pending decisions to stay in/get out, I have used a number of contacts to put feelers out as to what kind of job everyone from old fraternity brothers to fellow high school grads are doing and networking in that manner...

If you feel that some terrorist is going to actually use this information against me, well that's your deal. Let me know if you get any viable information and until you do, myspace is stayin'.


FY08 STA-21 Pilot Selectee/Currently at ODU
Unless you're posting pics of you doing 8-balls or having sex with minors or posting sensitive information about your pervious/current/future commands, I don't think that Myspace is really that big of a deal.

To all those Myspace "nay-sayers" out there, do you feel the same way about the Together We Served websites? Those are basically myspace for military bubbas and have nothing but specifics about your military affiliations!
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