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Naval Academy fights booze...


Ask me about ninjas!
An interesting idea. ...But done for all the WRONG reasons. What the hell? Midshipmen are not allowed to be over .08% "at any time"? That is the most ridiculous, dumbass, micro-managing, idiotic douche baggery that I've heard of. This aversion to drinking--and the resulting socially inept Officers that it produces--is a large portion of why USNA grads get in trouble after graduation.

To steal from A4s: I weep...


Well-Known Member
Awesome. I wish I could drink with a breathalizer.....
No problem, you can get your own here.

An interesting idea. ...But done for all the WRONG reasons. What the hell? Midshipmen are not allowed to be over .08% "at any time"? That is the most ridiculous, dumbass, micro-managing, idiotic douche baggery that I've heard of. This aversion to drinking--and the resulting socially inept Officers that it produces--is a large portion of why USNA grads get in trouble after graduation.

To steal from A4s: I weep...
Yes, that is the current rule. Mids are not allowed more than 3 drinks per evening, and can not be over .08 at any time. They are also subject to random breathalizers when they return to the hall. They've figured out ways around it of course. I agree that they're breeding socially inept officers. Rather than learn the harsh lessons that come along with overindulging while they're still in "college", where their conduct doesn't follow them into the fleet; they learn the lessons as new Ens/2ndLt's. My wife and I have discussed it, and we wouldn't be surprised if you see a surge in alcohol related incidents in the fleet among JO's (specifically O-1's).


Ask me about ninjas!
Hell, I saw it right after I graduated in 2003. USNA grads would go down to Pensacola and lose their damn minds at the bars, parties and restaurants. I'm sure it's only getting worse.


Is it baseball season yet?
Here's what's going on from a Mid's perspective, being that I am one:

1. The alcohol training is they give guys 4 drinks over the course of 2 hours and girls 3 drinks in the same amount of time, I believe in the Chesapeake Room. It's for people who have turned 21 already. It is now mandatory to go. Not totally positive what they are doing with the plebes that turn 21 as they still cannot drink. I'm pretty sure they hold them off until they are a Youngster, but like I said, I don't know.

2. My company, and many others have gotten brethalyzed every weekend night (every night there is liberty). We have had no alcohol offenses.

3. With that said, my company definitely seems like the exception with no alcohol offesnes; the big concern that we think the Administration has right now is the rise of DUI's. The firsties got chewed out after a Foresstal one evening by the 'Dant for not watching each other's backs. Over the past couple years, they've seen on average 5-7 DUI's/year. This semester alone has had 7.

4. My company's policy (not sure what the Brigade policy is, but I doubt it's much more lenient) is that you can blow between .08 and .15 once and that warrants a warning/"formal counseling." More than once, and you get a conduct offense. Increases with severity of drinking, but again, I'm not sure what the policy is.


Is it baseball season yet?
Is the 0-2-2 rule (I think those are the numbers) still being enforced at the Academy?

It's 0-0-1-3 (referenced in the OP's article). It's not a "rule" just a "guideline." But go over .08 and you get in trouble, so you basically have to follow the rule.

0 Underage Drinking
0 DUI's
1 Drink/Hour
3 Drinks/Night

We had to sign a statement of understanding and how we'd get nailed if we disobeyed it basically though (at least in my Battalion). So... yes, it's kind of enforced.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Mandatory, huh? So what do they do with people who just don't want to drink period?


Ask me about ninjas!
I seriously question the legality of all this, and I know that I'd have trouble following any policy that the powers that be won't push into official status. Hell, even questionable official policies have been trumped by questionable legality. (I'm thinking of my NAPS class, the no drinking policy, and a JAG-snuffed witch hunt by the command.)

Now, I know that They can (if they haven't already) word MIDREGS however best suits their desired endstate, which will most likely read something along the lines of, "...[E]very Midshipman is considered to be in a duty status, regardless of the time of day or location." The problem with this, though, is that they're encroaching on the "On Liberty" or "On Leave" status of individuals. While granted by the Commander, Liberty is a lot harder to legally restrict than some people realize, and people who have wrongly gone down the road of infringing on it--albeit with the best intentions of maintaining good order and discipline--have wound up in plenty of hot water.

What happens if a Mid whose family lives in Annapolis gets torqued while on leave, and in the course of showing some midhound around the Yard, gets pinched by Jimmy Legs? Let's say he blows a .16? What about that? I think if you charge him, you're going to have to charge everyone who got fucked up while on leave. I'm not sure that's legal, considering that you cannot technically be on duty while in a leave status.

But I'm sure if there's a way to cover their own ass while screwing Mids over, the USNA will find a way.


Well-Known Member
This thread makes me REALLY glad I went BDCP and OCS instead.

For an "elite institution" that prides itself on making the future of Naval Leadership, they seem to have an awful problem allowing the mids to learn life experiences.


Ask me about ninjas!
HALLELUJAH! Someone give that man a cookie! (Preferably NOT the one my Marines are planning on feeding a midget hooker while on float, but I digress.)