I had more responsibility and freedom as an unwinged Ensign at Advanced than I did as a winged JG in the fleet. Maybe the TRACOMs mindset of cranking out production pushed alot of the bullshit to the back burner, but we waste more time on stupid chickenshit than we do on actual training. Been to a safety stand down lately? I'll save you 8 hours and sum it up for you: don't drink and drive, don't rape your colleagues, and don't get arrested for being a drunk asshole. That kind of shit actually gets pretty insulting to the 99% of us who it doesn't affect after a while.
I'm married with no kids. I take a bunch of hits already on the "well, you don't have kids so this dets not that big a deal for you" side; if I were single, I'd definitely be even more pissed off. Oh, you mean I just have to get my wife knocked up and I get a year off with bennies? Sign me up. Retarded. We ask enough of the people in the Navy. Asking more of the ones who've already sacrificed a family so the ones who didn't can spend more time with theirs is a pile of horseshit.
This kind of shit reeks of yes men at the top not wanting to upset the apple cart.
I'm proud of my time in the canoe club, and I don't mind deploying or doing my mission, but chicken shit like this isn't the Navy I thought I was joining.
I don't disagree with you, but if you think that you're going to get away from the inane BS that you're talking about by jumping ship and finding another employer, I'm telling you that's not likely to happen. Are there better things to do while earning a paycheck than fly Navy aircraft? Sure, but those jobs are few and far between. In the grand scheme of things, if you're wearing wings of gold, the grass is very likely not greener on the other side.