Hey guys, Im at a loss right now and hopefully can get some insight or direction from you all.
I submitted my package prior to 3/11. When everyone was checking to see if they were "at board" my name wasnt on the list. I then reached out to my recruiter and he said that all my paper work was submitted and I should be fine. In fact, he said he had submitted my package along with others and got kickback on the other peoples package due to missing requirements and that they would not be eligible this board... BUT no word on mine which meant everything was all good on my end. I havent gotten any info on if I was selected or not and my name isnt on the list to check if I was (as of today). As you could imagine, ive been blowing my recruiter up throughout the day for an answer, but no answer at all. I even called the recruiting office to check for an update and the lady there said my package is "still in review". I said idk how thats possible when other people have been getting notified. I asked if my recruiter was in today and she said he is on vacation for 2 weeks (lol are you kidding me). I then asked if there was another recruiter that could help me and she said the other recruiter that can help you is also on vacation (this is insane).
Looking for some advice here