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Well-Known Member
Has anyone else been to the grocery store recently, picked out milk, saw the expiration and gone “Dang, I’m going to know whether or not I’m accepted to OCS before this milk expires”…..or is that just me?
😂 I do that with my 5G water jug. I’m like “by the time Im done with this water jug I’ll know whether I got in or not”. But I do that with any event. Dental appointment, social events, friend going away, etc. yah probably just a me thing as well.


Active Member
I don’t know how accurate this or anything is at this point, but my recruiter just called me and he thinks there’s still gonna be another two weeks at least before finding out the board results.
It’s possible but I think that’s just the latest it could be, mine said the latest would be mid August.


Well-Known Member
Last year when I found out, I called my recruiter on a Friday to ask if he had an update. He said no, hopefully next week. Then the results came in as I was on the phone with him.
He’s just speculating like everyone else is.


Well-Known Member
I don’t know how accurate this or anything is at this point, but my recruiter just called me and he thinks there’s still gonna be another two weeks at least before finding out the board results.
How are some people on here getting notified then? You’d think they’d just release all the selections at once