I am just giving links and data that is current to NRC, this is the SAME info that the processors brief the applicants before they swear in, this is the same info that all OR's have to give applicants applying.
When a person is going to swear in the NRC processor goes and opens the service agreement on the link I sent, they fill out the blocks for the applicant and witnessing officer, then they print it, then they go through each part and explain to them what it all means and according to what I asked today if an applicant as what that part means about SWO qualification they are told "they go to a ship, they qualify SWO then they transfer to their IW or IP job".
It appears there is a BIG disconnect between the IDC community and NRC, here are the differences from what has been said here: IDC says 2 sea tours but NRC documentation (SA) says qualify pin then go to IW or IP job, PA says 3 years after designator change but SA says 2 years and the PA references the MILPERSMAN but it hasn't been updated to correct designators either.
Imagine being an applicant being briefed by an OR or processor on the SA, going to OCS, then finding out what you have been told is in conflict with what is happening to you.
I know you said what I put is bad gouge, and it may be if the IDC isn't updating NRC, but it is the gouge being given to applicants by the NRD's so it isn't bad gouge to them, it is correct from what they know.