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Peoples' Pedophile Party


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
AllAmerican75 said:
Makes 'em easier to round up and throw 'em in jail, for life.:icon_rage:

hmm, handn't thought about that! Makes it easier to shoot the lot of them, i'm good at hitting large groups of targets.


Yes, but the FBI have made it hard for NAMBLA to operate openly. Admitted it's still pretty ****ing sick, but still, we have a lot of checks in place to make sure NAMBLA can't do what it does, not to mention the fact that most people don't believe anything NAMBLA says.

But as I said earlier, hunt them down and throw them in prison or them a tight knot and a short drop.


Active Member
Do you think people like this know how wrong it is and just don't care or are they really that sick to think that sex (regardless if it is consentual) with a 12 year old is acceptable? Personally, it makes me want to punch someone ... but that could be the over-protective big brother in me coming out.


Chubby said:
Do you think people like this know how wrong it is and just don't care or are they really that sick to think that sex (regardless if it is consentual) with a 12 year old is acceptable? Personally, it makes me want to punch someone ... but that could be the over-protective big brother in me coming out.

That's the thing, pedophiles don't think it's wrong. Their brains are wired differently than ours, and they are attracted to little kids, like you or I would be attracted to say, Carmen Electra or Angelina "MILF & Cookies" Jolie. They don't see it as wrong but as a natural kinda thing. And the unfortunate thing is you can't rehabilitate them short of removing their libido(i.e. balls), unlike child molesters.

Also, pedophiles tend to be very well-organized and methodical. They work in groups. So you have one guy who likes 7-8 year olds, so he goes and finds a kid to screw around with, and when that kid gets too old, he'll hand him off to a friend of his who likes 9-10 year olds, and so on until they get caught or the kid wises up. It's some pretty sick sh!t.

I suggest if those of you who have kids or plan to have kids haven't already done so, you want to check out Family Watchdog. There is a search function and you can find all of the registered offenders in your area, what they are convicted of, their prior crime record, and what they look like. You will be amazed at how close they are. And it's another why it's good to have the Second Amendment.

Cobra Commander

Awesome Bill from Dawsonville

So....whats wrong with having young boys sleep in your bed? You know I would never hurt a child!

Blanket come back!!!

and so many other great lines....


Registered User
AllAmerican75 said:
That's the thing, pedophiles don't think it's wrong. Their brains are wired differently than ours, and they are attracted to little kids, like you or I would be attracted to say, Carmen Electra or Angelina "MILF & Cookies" Jolie. They don't see it as wrong but as a natural kinda thing. And the unfortunate thing is you can't rehabilitate them short of removing their libido(i.e. balls), unlike child molesters.

Also, pedophiles tend to be very well-organized and methodical. They work in groups. So you have one guy who likes 7-8 year olds, so he goes and finds a kid to screw around with, and when that kid gets too old, he'll hand him off to a friend of his who likes 9-10 year olds, and so on until they get caught or the kid wises up. It's some pretty sick sh!t.

I suggest if those of you who have kids or plan to have kids haven't already done so, you want to check out Family Watchdog. There is a search function and you can find all of the registered offenders in your area, what they are convicted of, their prior crime record, and what they look like. You will be amazed at how close they are. And it's another why it's good to have the Second Amendment.
I went to that site, and it appears that I have 2 living within a quarter mile of me. One of which is 0.15 miles, so thats what a couple of blocks? Makes me want to buy a handgun


I have a rapist/child molester living about three blocks from me. Hell, I think I've even seen him in the neighborhood. And that worries me, considering all the kids there are in my 'hood.


little brother, little sister, 5, within a half mile out here in Lemoore
Also very interesting the clusters near schools, one 817ft away

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
AllAmerican75 said:
I suggest if those of you who have kids or plan to have kids haven't already done so, you want to check out Family Watchdog. There is a search function and you can find all of the registered offenders in your area, what they are convicted of, their prior crime record, and what they look like. You will be amazed at how close they are.
I can't thank you enough for posting this link. My daughter spends about 50% of her time at her grandmother's house (my ex's mom) and I just found out that the next door neighbor has been convicted multiple times of "continous sex abuse of a child".

Needless to say, I've had a long talk with daughter as well as informing my ex and the grandmother. I've also had a talk with the local cops who have suggested I try and get a restraining order against this fvck-head from being within miles of my daughter (which might force him to move since grandma's house has been my kid's address of record for at least 4 years before he moved into the neighborhood. I will also spend most of tomorrow knocking on all the doors in the neighborhood and distributing flyers warning of this guy.


Is it baseball season yet?
HAL Pilot said:
I can't thank you enough for posting this link. My daughter spends about 50% of her time at her grandmother's house (my ex's mom) and I just found out that the next door neighbor has been convicted multiple times of "continous sex abuse of a child".

Needless to say, I've had a long talk with daughter as well as informing my ex and the grandmother. I've also had a talk with the local cops who have suggested I try and get a restraining order against this fvck-head from being within miles of my daughter (which might force him to move since grandma's house has been my kid's address of record for at least 4 years before he moved into the neighborhood. I will also spend most of tomorrow knocking on all the doors in the neighborhood and distributing flyers warning of this guy.

HAL, just as a warning, check with your local police department before you take any actions. The states that run/authorize these programs provide strict penalties for many actions taken as a result of their discovery. While I'm sure that they mostly just cover beating the person up or wrecking his lawn, you might want to check about posting flyers and whatnot as well... Just a thought -- looking out for you there.