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Peoples' Pedophile Party


Is it baseball season yet?
Fed's Site

Below is a link to the Feds site for those of you who are interested. That one, I found worked better than the previously listed site. The legality of use is also listed as well.



Snake Griffin
Dennis Miller said it best when he said "The government is debating putting a chip inside convicted child molestors to make it easier to track them. You know what else makes it easy? Gravestones."

Seriously, why are these people allowed in society? Can anything good come out of them?


Is it baseball season yet?
junfan26 said:
Dennis Miller said it best when he said "The government is debating putting a chip inside convicted child molestors to make it easier to track them. You know what else makes it easy? Gravestones."

Seriously, why are these people allowed in society? Can anything good come out of them?

Well somebody has to make liscense plates for 5 cents a piece...

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
DanMav1156 said:
HAL, just as a warning, check with your local police department before you take any actions. The states that run/authorize these programs provide strict penalties for many actions taken as a result of their discovery. While I'm sure that they mostly just cover beating the person up or wrecking his lawn, you might want to check about posting fliers and whatnot as well... Just a thought -- looking out for you there.
Thanks for the heads-up.

I already talked to the local cops and my lawyer. They are all for "advertising" this jerks presence in the neighborhood. I just can't post the fliers - I have to hand them out or stick them in screen doors. Plus I can only put the information publicly available from the state registry and local police, no "editorializing".

I know it is this guy as I have talked to him numerous times and he matches the picture on the registry website. My lawyer sent him a letter today warning him to stay away from my child and that we are asking for a hearing for a restraining order. She also informed him that I will be advising people he is in the neighborhood. We are hoping he'll just get up and move.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever see the South Park with the Pedophile group? Not Super Adventure Club but Nambla. Think they had Dutch accents as well.


is clara ship
It's absolute BS that my state has declined to participate in the national registry. I'm just guessing here, but could it be that the ACLU (or similar groups) have convinced the local (liberal) policy makers that Megan's Law doesn't apply to our convicted sex offenders? Perhaps this new "political party" has a future not only in the Netherlands, but also here in the US:banghead_


Is it baseball season yet?
MIDNJAC, what state is that?

The registry, in the grand scheme of things is fairly new, and I'm sure your state will participate eventually...


Registered User
HAL Pilot said:
Thanks for the heads-up.

I already talked to the local cops and my lawyer. They are all for "advertising" this jerks presence in the neighborhood. I just can't post the fliers - I have to hand them out or stick them in screen doors. Plus I can only put the information publicly available from the state registry and local police, no "editorializing".

I know it is this guy as I have talked to him numerous times and he matches the picture on the registry website. My lawyer sent him a letter today warning him to stay away from my child and that we are asking for a hearing for a restraining order. She also informed him that I will be advising people he is in the neighborhood. We are hoping he'll just get up and move.
He DOES have to live somewhere though.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Birdman1 said:
He DOES have to live somewhere though.
He can go live somewhere else. There are plenty of houses in the middle of nowhere with no neighbor kids for him to abuse. When he decided to be a sex offender, he lost all rights to a normal life. I will do all in my power to drive his sorry ass from my daughter's neighborhood.

As far as I'm concerned, when he started to abuse children, he forfieted the right to breath. He doesn't deserve to live yet alone have a warm, dry house protecting his sorry ass.


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
Birdman1 said:
I went to that site, and it appears that I have 2 living within a quarter mile of me. One of which is 0.15 miles, so thats what a couple of blocks? Makes me want to buy a handgun

One of the MANY beautiful reasons to get a handgun! :D What the hell is wrong with people?!?! I just checked Milton FL and we are going to have a few living by my wife and I. If you get a chance, check out Pullman, WA ... not a single one within 20 miles of the city... thats my former home :(


is clara ship
DanMav1156 said:
MIDNJAC, what state is that?

The registry, in the grand scheme of things is fairly new, and I'm sure your state will participate eventually...

Oregon....apparently the Attorney Gen. wants to "bring the other states on board", but all of the comments that I have heard from state officials indicate that they intend to maintain the privacy of the sex offenders. As it stands right now, citizens can obtain names/address/info about sex offenders if they have a legitimate need to know....and they have to contact the State Police on an individual basis. I don't know exactly what criteria they have in mind for having a need to know, but I doubt it includes casual browsing for sex offenders in your area. Hopefully their tune will change in light of several recent, local high profile sexual assault/abduction cases. Until then, it makes me wonder about some of these people......


HAL Pilot said:
When he decided to be a sex offender, he lost all rights to a normal life.

As far as I'm concerned, when he started to abuse children, he forfieted the right to breath. He doesn't deserve to live yet alone have a warm, dry house protecting his sorry ass.

HAL, I don't mean to step on your toes, I just want to clear up some faulty information. Many pedophiles don't choose to be attracted to kids(and they don't see it as wrong), they are just hardwired that way, much like homosexuals are wired to like the same sex. They can't help it, and as such are a threat to ordered society no matter where they live or how much jail time they serve. The only real options are to castrate them, lock them away for life, or remove them from the gene pool.

Child molesters and rapists are a bit different. Molesters were usually molested themselves, and while they say what they do as wrong, their minds are so f***ed up that they are compelled to do it. Usually for reasons other than sexual. It is more of a power game to them, same as rapists. Most rapists and molesters cannot climax while actually committing the act, but they go home and replay it in their heads and get their jollies that way. Molesters can usually be rehabilitated through very extensive therapy, if they can't, then you are left with the same three options as the pedophiles.

As to your last biut, you are right on. The f***ers don't deserve a damn thing except a ride on Ol' Sparky. As far as I'm concerned, if you molest kids, rape women, or are a pedophile, you life is forfeit.:icon_rage


Registered User
AllAmerican75 said:
HAL, I don't mean to step on your toes, I just want to clear up some faulty information. Many pedophiles don't choose to be attracted to kids(and they don't see it as wrong), they are just hardwired that way, much like homosexuals are wired to like the same sex. They can't help it, and as such are a threat to ordered society no matter where they live or how much jail time they serve. The only real options are to castrate them, lock them away for life, or remove them from the gene pool.

Child molesters and rapists are a bit different. Molesters were usually molested themselves, and while they say what they do as wrong, their minds are so f***ed up that they are compelled to do it. Usually for reasons other than sexual. It is more of a power game to them, same as rapists. Most rapists and molesters cannot climax while actually committing the act, but they go home and replay it in their heads and get their jollies that way. Molesters can usually be rehabilitated through very extensive therapy, if they can't, then you are left with the same three options as the pedophiles.

As to your last biut, you are right on. The f***ers don't deserve a damn thing except a ride on Ol' Sparky. As far as I'm concerned, if you molest kids, rape women, or are a pedophile, you life is forfeit.:icon_rage

Alright, that is WAY too much Dr. Wong on SVU for you. ;)


BigRed389 said:
Alright, that is WAY too much Dr. Wong on SVU for you. ;)

Actually, I've done research and just picked up bits and pieces on my day-to-day quest for knowledge. I've always thought the way the human brain worked was intriguing, especially those who are problems for society, like Hitler. A psychotic man who is responsible for killing millions of people, but an absolute political genius and semi-talented painter. Regardless of the fact that he was a complete monster, you still much admit that the "man" went from nobody in German politics to the Chancellor in a very short time, and conned just about everybody into letting him do it.