Understandable. He also advised me to submit my package on the next board with my current ASTB scores 52 5/6/5 (Not the best) and my GPA at 2.7 in Marketing. His advice was based of the potential to do worse on the ASTB and not meet the minimum requirements and end up missing the next board waiting to get my scores up. My scores and GPA aren't competitive, however I have been working 50-60 hours a week as a manager while in school on top of being in a leadership role in my Universities Marching Band. Not sure if they would take this into account.
I know my scores and GPA aren't anything that will set me apart from the crowd, however I am currently in class from noon-6pm and work from 7pm-4am Monday-Friday. My concern would be not having the time to prepare for an ASTB retake and potentially doing worse, not meeting the minimums, and then missing the next board. My question I guess would be, in your OPINION (I know no one can speak for the board) should I submit as is on the next board? Or attempt to make myself more competitive?
Also I apologize if this is the wrong thread, I assume there isn't a thread for the next board.