There was one wings +7 person I vaguely remember who winged late (more flight school delays than usual) and a few years later had to dig out his contract to prove to the detailer than he only had a wings + 7 year commitment. All of the detailer's other customers at the time were wings +8. Seems kind of strange because those contracts went by commissioning date, should have been easy to figure out without "proof." Somebody must have fat fingered the wrong MSR year in the guy's service record back when he winged, I suppose just jammed in the same date for everybody in the winging class without checking anyone's contract. Maybe there was more than one person this happened to but I don't think it would have been very many.
Shady? That's plausible. Honest mistake? Plausible too.
My second sea tour (dissociated tour) detailer was one of those guys who'd blow smoke about how he was "my advocate." That was rich because he called me up out of the blue, a couple days after my XO had told him I was planning to extend shore my duty a few months to my MSR and get out. I was a pack kind of guy so for the detailer to be calling me, not the other way around, that was strange. He'd had a different guy with my PRD and my background suddenly drop out of his already-released dissociated orders. He didn't want to either gap the billet or to ordmod somebody else's PRD and send them to the billet. I already understood his job was about putting warm bodies in dissociated tours, and the fact that nobody had talked to me about a flying second sea tour plus the fact that I was discussing orders with the detailer, well that's just how the game worked, so no smoke please.
The same guy was notorious for not returning messages at all to my peers or my front office. Like I said, him claiming to be my advocate was rich. When my orders came in, the front end had a month of schools plus TAD to the ultimate command and the back end had an extra month, for a total of 26 months. First I'd heard of that, the official BUPERS career path briefs from his shop always said 24 there. (Maybe there's service commitment payback for coveted schools such as amphibious warfare indoc and R2P2.) It was minor in the big scheme of things but still shady.
I had good detailers too, most of them in fact- not necessarily because they cut me orders I liked but because simply because they played it straight. But it's really irritating to see guys like him get groomed for command from the time they're LTJGs, know it, and have an "I can't get fired" attitude when they're on their bureau tour. Take the good with the bad and life goes on, but one guy like him negates at least one great CO you had some other time.
When someone tells you the bonus matters only if you're sitting on the fence but they've already made their decision, odds are there was a guy like that who really soured them on staying in.
Still wonder why these pilot shortages keep happening??