Prior flight time means squat in my opinion. I just saw a guy attrite out of helo's with over 1000 hours, and I know jet pilots who started from scratch at IFS. Dont waste your money on flight school. If you want to get a heads up, get into the books. Read about flight training in general. Learn about instrument training. Learn about anything your brain can absorb in general aviation. Once you get into Pensacola, you are going to have to learn to memorize a tankload of information in a seriously short amount of time. If you have a general understanding of how things work, you will be successful. They will teach you to fly, its up to you how you will study and learn.
Last bit of advice... work on getting through all the Marine training first. Plenty of guys who were "going to fly F-18s" had a hell of a hard time running through the Quantico woods and never made it to Pensacola. But dont worry, just tell your SI at OCS youre a pilot contract and he'll take it alittle easier on you. :tongue2_1