do you have more gouge on this guy? Did he get his shit all in one sock?That guy was in my primary squadron in Corpus. He was unreal.
do you have more gouge on this guy? Did he get his shit all in one sock?That guy was in my primary squadron in Corpus. He was unreal.
My memory is hazy from many, many beers on the island, but if I recall correctly his story was that he was a pilot (CFI? I forget...) with some hundreds of hours of instrument time that picked up a pilot slot and went to OCS. He wanted nothing but Hornets until the VR program popped up, then he wanted that. Problem was that he flat out refused to study Navy procedures, relying on his civilian knowledge to get through. That worked out about as well as you'd think. After the email debacle, he ended up DORing. Haven't heard from him you have more gouge on this guy? Did he get his shit all in one sock?
My memory is hazy from many, many beers on the island, but if I recall correctly his story was that he was a pilot (CFI? I forget...) with some hundreds of hours of instrument time that picked up a pilot slot and went to OCS. He wanted nothing but Hornets until the VR program popped up, then he wanted that. Problem was that he flat out refused to study Navy procedures, relying on his civilian knowledge to get through. That worked out about as well as you'd think. After the email debacle, he ended up DORing. Haven't heard from him since.
Apparently word on the street is the magic number is about 85%---as in the percentage of people they separate if you wash out. But why even think about that? Just kick ass and take names. Time spent worrying about failure is time better used for getting better and getting ahead of the learning curve.
And redes-ing can occur for medical NPQ, DORing, test failures, etc.
Is this true if you fail your CAT 1 physical at OCS as well?
There is a new dude from the AFA... It's epic...I'd like the Princess Melanie, the dude from Air Force Academy (can't recall the guy) , and the Lead Ensign (tradition) emails again...
Are you talking about the introduction letter the guy wrote for his training squadron? It was floating around my wardroom a week or so ago, but I think I got rid of it.