Thus I said all the candidates were approached by class officers to switch and not vice versa. I also stated needs of the Navy.I fail to see how my post encourages people to take SWO and switch to aviation but um ok. Yes the circumstances are rare I agree.
You just gotta be careful sometimes, and posting an occurrance that happened once in a blue moon might paint the wrong picture.
People tend to hear what they want to hear, just like when an enlisted recruiter tells someone that they can apply for a commissioning program after they get to the fleet. What they hear is "I can just file some paperwork and I'll be auto-accepted into a commissioning program anytime I want," which is not the case.
One of my former DHs was a sub guy who lat transferred to NFO during his shore tour. He was at CTF-72 and realized the awesomeness of MPRA. Definitely doable, but never go in with the idea that's what you're going to do.
It requires a waiver from PERS to lat xfer from subs prior to post-DH shore duty. That waiver is a lot easier to obtain these days because of high retention, but that usually means other communities also have higher retetention.
As someone said before: You can only go to OCS to be what you write on the application. If you only want to do a certain job, then only put that job on the application. If you don't get it, improve your package and try again.