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Return of Turboprops to CAS role?


Registered User
Its a fun airplane to fly, and it was a fun mission to fly.

If they bring it back, it will still be a fun airplane to fly. They'll find a way to suck the fun out of the mission.


His blood smells like cologne.
So long as they get all of that prop sleeve touchdown stuff fixed, I think the T-6 would kick a$$ and take names wherever it is used. (But for christ sakes, put a Tacan in it).


Super *********
Super Moderator
So long as they get all of that prop sleeve touchdown stuff fixed, I think the T-6 would kick a$$ and take names wherever it is used. (But for christ sakes, put a Tacan in it).

I've heard they've almost got it solved, if not already. Might be nice having a TACAN being Whiting's VOR is down indefinitely??


I wish I could remember what issue of the Marine Corps Gazette I saw this in but there was an idea floated a couple of years ago to arm the T-6 as an MV-22 escort. I know the AF is arming their -22s so I'm not sure it would be considered for this role. Seemed like a good idea to me. I'll keep looking for the issue to give you guys a reference.


Milk and Honey

Recoilless rifles were strapped to that thing!! Eat your heart out GAU-8. Before everybody goes nuts, I realize this was Vietnam era. I'm just sayin that it would be a blast to fire a self-loading artillery piece from a plane like that.

How are they going to land it on a LHD?

I realize you're referencing the T-6 but in regards to the Bronco, did it have a tailhook?

Here is a picture of it on the USS Nassau. Would it deploy with the ship or was the ship used for more of a floating FARP? How do you guys think it will be employed (i.e. - will it attach to a MEU, etc.) if it is indeed resurrected?



Rockets Up
Recoilless rifles were strapped to that thing!! Eat your heart out GAU-8. Before everybody goes nuts, I realize this was Vietnam era. I'm just sayin that it would be a blast to fire a self-loading artillery piece from a plane like that.

I realize this is referencing the T-6 but in regards to the Bronco, did it have a tailhook?

Here is a picture of it on the USS Nassau. So would it deploy with the ship or was it used for more of a floating FARP? How do you guys think it will be employed if it is indeed resurrected?

I have a pic at home of my unit (1/4) firing the 106mm RR in OKI in the late 70's. The back blast on that thing was amazing. I'll post it as soon as I get back to the house. I can't imagine mounting that thing on an OV-10.

Man I used to love watching the OV-10's work out with Zunis.


Rockets Up

Recoilless rifles were strapped to that thing!! Eat your heart out GAU-8. Before everybody goes nuts, I realize this was Vietnam era. I'm just sayin that it would be a blast to fire a self-loading artillery piece from a plane like that.

Don't want to hijack the thread but just wanted to post a pic of what was proposed above would look like when it's fired. This is 1st Bn 4th Marines lighting off some 106mm RR's in Oki a long long time ago. I only fired that sucker one time. In order to get the full effect you need to be the loader. Kinda fVcks with your night vision.

Also, out front you can see the tracer from the HEP-T round just begining it's burn



Registered User
With our normal load in the OV-10 (12 5 inch Zunis, one pod of 19 2.75 inch rockets, four internal M-60s, SUU-11 minigun, and a pod of flares for night work) you won't be launching it from the deck of many ships. We needed a pretty long roll, especially in hot weather.