It’s entirely possible China will try to take only Taiwan (while keeping other countries out of the conflict), hold there/ consolidate, wait 10-40 years while getting stronger, take something else (while keeping other yadda yadda), rinse, repeat. If they are savvy they will make their gains slow and localized while preventing the int’l community from coalescing against them quickly enough to reverse the action. They’ve pretty much done this with Tibet, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Spratlys/SCS. Any “freedom fighters” get crushed or labeled terrorists. Just get a grip on the area and keep other state powers from stopping them in any meaningful way, then using other instruments of state control to slowly mold/suppress the surviving peoples/culture to the “Han Chinese” way of doing things under the thumb of the regime. Then, by waiting a few decades, the rest of the world has forgotten or given up on “saving” that part of the world and the generation has turned over once or twice (Tibet is an example).