And don’t forget, there’s significant operational learning occurring. There may be a cost difference; however, those ships and aircraft are shooting for real vice some heavily scripted live fire with a purpose (side note - why can’t we call it a live fire or missile-ex)

LOL I hate that acronym too.
Agreed on the operational value of live testing in a true tactical environment. Especially the Red Sea, the environmentals there are literally quite tough.
That said, the cost/qty curve is very very much not on our side.
Not only can we afford a fixed qty, we also can only build a certain rate.
I’m fairly certain, given Iran’s feeding of both Houthi and Russian consumption rates, that they can probably sustain the drone side longer than we can, assuming it continued indefinitely.
The ASCM side is less worrying, I’m pretty sure Iran isn’t shitting those out nearly as quickly as the low complexity drones.
There are definitely other potential solutions that could bring things back in our favor, besides “lasers”, APKWS seems to have promise. If anything, this only reinforces the need for those developmental systems, as well as to find ways to cut the traditional acquisition timeframes down when there are real urgent operational needs, and doubly so when there is real shooting going on.