How can anyone really know this though? Until all these whiz-bang new missiles are really tested (i.e. a hot war or conflict) I don't think anyone can say for sure that carriers are obsolete. The Chinese certainly seem to value carriers, and also remember that carriers aren't just about destroying enemy fleets but also about supporting forces on land.The long-range guided missile with OTHT is what will kill the CVN.
If you don't need to launch a jet to fly 500-700 miles to attack an enemy fleet or SAG because you can shoot missiles from a DDG that outrange the enemy... well, then you don't need carriers.
We're still clinging to short-range precision strikes because that minimizes collateral damage, thereby maintaining our legitimacy. That will probably evolve significantly over the next 10-20 years.
While not an exact analogy, consider that we have had hand-held weapons, plus numerous missiles and ammo, capable of disabling or destroying battle tanks since WWII. So why has the tank continued to play a major role in warfare? Because when used properly as part of a combined arms military machine, they are extremely useful. Carriers are similar IMO.