Pending the outcome of the Court Martial we can hope that the result of all this is that more terrorist leaders start turning up in body bags instead of alive to complain and stand trial. Dead men tell no tales.
I am waiting for the Navy Times edition of this story to come out, hopefully it will clear some things.
Like how the outcome of this court-martial could jeopardize your liberty.
Pending the outcome of the Court Martial we can hope that the result of all this is that more terrorist leaders start turning up in body bags instead of alive to complain and stand trial. Dead men tell no tales.
The tough part about this is that Fox News is giving it international media coverage. All the next hadji has to do is read this article and follow suit with his comrade. Why kill SEALs/soldiers/Marines when you can take 'em out of action with an investigation? This is all another way for hadji to use public opinion and the American media against our forces.
1. At the beginning of the trial, once more the brothers must insist on proving that torture was inflicted on them by State Security [investigators] before the judge.
2. Complain [to the court] of mistreatment while in prison.
This tells us something about the mindset at the top of our military today, but, unfortunately, it says more about the Army. This is the same service that looked the other way while Maj. Hasan was talking like an islamic idiot for several years before he finally went ballistic. They must really be scared of something, and it would be hard to make the case that it all started w/ the current administration. OH, and BZ/gutsy move by the Seals to insist on a courts martial proceeding rather than taking NJP for something they didn't deserve. Just my $0.02.
One of those guys was in my boot camp divison. What a shitty deal all around.
Airwarriors could start rallying up support. I believe courts martials are open to the public. We could get a few hundred people to attend and stare down the judge and prosecution in support of the accused.
The SEALs would not have insisted on a CM. They would have refused NJP. It is then on the Convening authority to decide what to do next. The SEALS, by declining NJP, put the ball back into the Government's court and then t hey decide to take it to the next level.
I'm pretty sure that they are probably thinking that it would be a hard time to get a members panel to convict n this cas - -probably an accurate assumption.
It does tell some of what the convening authority is thinking about to beigin with that they offered NJP in the first place. **something** probably happened. Covering it up can led to even worse proceedings. The Command tried to handle it within the military system at the lowest level, but the SEALs - standing on principle - declined that avenue.
Let's hope for CENTERED members of the panels and that the related elements of this *story* aren't leaving out something much worse. If so - and if not - then all will be well in the end I am sure.
Wow, that's bullshit. I guess one should expect it from such a political news organization as FOX News or the New York Times, but it's still bullshit.
Not only the guys name.. fox threw out a damn photo.. gotta love when politics get put before the common sense of winning a war.
Did you really try to juxtapose Fox News and the New York times?Wow, that's bullshit. I guess one should expect it from such a political news organization as FOX News or the New York Times, but it's still bullshit.
Not only the guys name.. fox threw out a damn photo.. gotta love when politics get put before the common sense of winning a war.