I don't understand why we're having this discussion.
If you don't like the career path or lifestyle the Navy or Marines lay out for you then fucking vote with your feet. A good amount of Marine Aviators seem to be doing that nowadays. Plenty of opportunities out there for college educated individuals with a strong work ethic.
Just want to fly? Go be a professional pilot out in the world. Fly bush in AK, long line in OR, LEO, airline, rig pilot, EMS, etc. there are tons of jobs out there for people with military aviation training.
Just want to fly and still have a thing for sage green? Then go Guard.
Don't care about flying and just want a 9-5? Get out and get a job doing something you think might be interesting or that has a sweet pension or whatever. I was flying SW a little while ago and there was an advertisement for owning a mosquito deco ting franchise that prominently featured a guy who I knew from the Fleet.
@Hotdogs is right. There's no harm in leaving the Service if it's not your cup of tea.