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September 2014 IDC Board


Active Member
The real reason I want the results is that I'm getting 1 grey beard hair per day after October 3rd. Turned 30 and look what happens.


Funny how people tell us thanks for our service when in fact we are having the time of our lives. We fight for promotion as enlisted and look at how we are dying for the opportunity to join the ranks of officers. Sometimes I think that we should be saying thank you. Thanks for letting us serve but an even bigger thanks for a pro rec Y. Lol Ill take any one of my options!


Well-Known Member
The thread is quiet today. Enjoy the free food!!!

I have a question for the SME's The waiver process for the non age friendly designations (SWO, NFO, SUPPO). The instruction says up to age 31 (considered on a month-for-month basis for active duty). Is this through the age of 31 or is it once you hit 31 your chances are over.

I ask because I'm 31 as of two months ago and the 90% selection rate for SWO is appealing.


The thread is quiet today. Enjoy the free food!!!

I have a question for the SME's The waiver process for the non age friendly designations (SWO, NFO, SUPPO). The instruction says up to age 31 (considered on a month-for-month basis for active duty). Is this through the age of 31 or is it once you hit 31 your chances are over.

I ask because I'm 31 as of two months ago and the 90% selection rate for SWO is appealing.

Popo Jijo

Primary Complete
The thread is quiet today. Enjoy the free food!!!

I have a question for the SME's The waiver process for the non age friendly designations (SWO, NFO, SUPPO). The instruction says up to age 31 (considered on a month-for-month basis for active duty). Is this through the age of 31 or is it once you hit 31 your chances are over.

I ask because I'm 31 as of two months ago and the 90% selection rate for SWO is appealing.

You MUST be commissioned by your 31st birthday. That means graduated from OCS. So yes, once you are 31, its a done deal.