Control of Aircraft and Missiles is one of the functions of Marine Aviation. It is a core mission of Marine Air. In order to do that, you need a common operating picture, and traditionally since we have operated close to shore we have always relied on ship based or joint service control until established ashore. They are already starting to flirt with the idea of consolidating MACCS agencies in order to build that picture. Our platforms are increasingly operating from over the horizon and it is not unreasonable to need a platform that is capable of extending to do that. Got it - there is a learning curve, but it was no different than learning carrier operations, amphibious assault, vertical envelopment, STOVL, and tiltrotor technology.
The USMC is, as we speak, trying to divest themselves of some of their assets to do that job of controlling Marine Air which makes me even more wary of the idea that the MUX AEW idea will come to fruition. My additional concern about the Marines and AEW is that they will not dedicate the resources to make it a viable capability. It is certainly not beyond the capability of the Marines to do this, but I think it is beyond the
desire of the current Marine leadership to do what is needed for this to come to fruition and it would not be resourced to make it a viable capability.
I am also coming at it from more a 'AEW' perspective than a 'controller' one, and I have serious doubts that an MUX-equipped AEW aircraft would be able to provide the capability needed to make an LHA/D into a viable 'CVL' capable of operating in a higher-threat environment.
I'm kind of surprised at the general dichotomy of the notion around a UAV AEW platform....There needs to be a third camp of realistic but visionary folks who understand how to make these ideas in to reality.
What seems to be the obvious push here by USMC is to figure out how to turn the LHD in to a CVL and to get the USMC F-35s in to the next war in a meaningful way. To do that they know that they'll need to replicate some of the capabilities of the CVW organically on the LHD.
This gets us back to what started this debate, using the LHA/D's as CVL's to supplement, or even replace in some cases, CVN's. Trying to optimize an LHA/D to do what a CSG is already primed to do with a full F-35B air wing with MUX refuelers and AEW in support would only get you part way to what a CSG can do
A big problem with that is in a 'near-peer' fight a CVN is already going to be stretched dealing with current enemy capabilities, even with newer assets like the E-2D and F-35C. That does not take into account the
very rapidly expanding enemy capabilities that an AEW MUX will face if it ever did come online, threats that will be a huge challenge for a full CSG even with its own newer toys. And it isn't just Russia and China I'm talking about unfortunately.
Bottom line...long story MUX AEW
might be a 'solution' to the problem of AEW for a LHD/A but would be a poor one in a world of rapidly expanding enemy capabilities. I would rather invest in improving CSG capabilities than putting money into a 'bright idea' of making LHA/D's into CVL's.