I enjoy the education field (I am a teacher now). Not sure there is a MOS related to education...
You really need to get out more (ie dig deeper into the rich treasure trove of posts on AW). Some points you haven't seemed to have realized by nature of your questions:
1) Whatever field you end up in, you could ultimately end up instructing at some level within your unit especially if you are good at it. When you roll off sea duty at some point, you'll have opportunity to go to a "schoolhouse" to instruct those who come behind you. There are also more than a handful of service and joint schools you can attend (or even serve on the faculty). Navy even has a distinguished professor program at Naval Academy.
2) One thing that makes the Marine Corps unique is the TBS experience. Not matter how much some folks decry some of the TBS facts of life, it does imbue in every Marine officer the primacy of the infantry. I don't agree it is a "job fair". My experience, though dated for sure, but updated by my AW exposure to those who went behind me was immersion in the skills I needed to lead a platoon in combat and some grasp of company level dynamics. The only appreciation of the other MOS assignments was in their support of the infantry and by talking it up with other 2/LTs, instructors and some classroom instruction. Conversely, my Navy experience has been entirely different with the three major communties; Aviation, Surface and Submariners all trying to vie for the top spots. In the Marine Corps, the pecking order is very clear and that starts at TBS.
3. Obviously, before you get to TBS, you need to get through OCS and that is all about learning the Marine Corps through perspective of an infantry platoon. Check out some of the TBS threads and how some posters have characterized OCS vs TBS. There are some really good insights. Since you say you are a "Georgia Marine" drilling in or around Rome, haven't you had some exposure to various MOS opportunities? Regardless, nobody here can guarantee you the elusive MOS you seem to what that lets you deploy, but avoids combat arms and optimizes your family life with no serving of coffee (BTW, in some Pentagon offices, O-5/O-6 types make the coffee).