How many billets could they have there? 8? Sounds like the White Buffalo of SWO shore duty: Harpoon Missile Instructor to the RAN in Sydney, Australia. Billet goes to one very lucky dude every 2 years...
Back in the late 80s, there was a 7th Fleet liaison in Perth. A SWO Commander billet that was usually filled by a guy on his last tour before retirement.
In his office he had 5 4-drawer filing cabinets filled with single page data sheets to include a picture. All Aussie women with contact information and notes. Cooks, sings, dances, religious, college, dumb, takes you to parents for dinner, parties, fucks, swallows....
It was a 2 year tour with the option to extend a year. I met him when my P-3 broke there for a prop change. Aussie didn’t have one for us so we had a 3 week stay waiting for one from the states. He and I became good friends. I had 22 in my det and almost all 22 wanted at his file cabinets daily. He gave me a key to his office and we alternated days between 12 noon and 2 pm when “the store” was open for my Sailors shopping pleasure. It was a glorious 3 weeks.
His official reason for being was to coordinate ship visits. He said those were easy. The hardest was keeping the files up to date. You had to give him an after action report or you didn’t get another look.
Different time. Back then Aussie girls went ape shit over American guys. Aussie guys idea of a date was to take them to the pub, park them on a stool, and go play darts with their buds. Americans had more money and were willing to spend. Pay attention to the girl and buy her dinner put you far ahead of the Aussie guys. If you danced with her you were probably slipping on the wetness dripping onto the floor.
That was probably all time leading white buffalo SWO billet.