Good to know. I could barely move the day after that Mudder. I can do 75ish curl-ups and close to 65 push ups in the 2 minute mark. I've got my 1.5 mile down to 11 minutes and change on average. However, I read on here that at times it can go 4+ miles which is usually the max. I am struggling with shin splints on pavement when running and have trouble getting that high. One of my friends mentioned compression sleeves for my legs but something tells me they would be frowned upon at OCS. Even if they were allowed, I wouldn't want to be the one guy rocking those when I met the DI. However, I still have 3 months to get in best shape possible.If you're in-shape enough to run a tough mudder, then you're in-shape enough to pass OCS with a normal pair of cross-training sneakers.
I also read on here that ibuprofen is available while you're in. I suppose worst case scenario I pop a couple of those in the morning before PT and tough it out.